Chapter one

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I was driven to a fallout shelter after the last one i had been to failed in keeping us alive

It was the worst hour forty five minutes of my life

I'm not rich, i had the perfect genetics apparently. I didn't get why.. I'm just a basic generic bitch

Once i arrived, i noticed there was a few famous people like the hairdresser and a tv show host

Apparently i arrived "just in time" because one person had already been killed off and "eaten"

Once i arrived, i shook hands with people and said my hellos. I was then escorted to my room where i slept the rest of the day off

When i woke up, there was news of someone new arriving. Another person must have died in the night... right?

Everyone had been pulled into the common room, a man was standing in the middle. His hair was shoulder length and had an immaculate style

"We will do a questioning called... the "cooperation" it's a test to see if we can get you to the sanctuary"
He said, the hairdresser offered to go first

"I'll go second?"
I said, raising my hand after the hairdresser

The staff of the shelter had ushered us out and sent to our rooms to be called for questioning

I sat on my bed with a book, i read for five minutes then i was called

I walked into an office and told to sat

"I know when you lie, i know if you try to trick me. So don't do anything that can get you into trouble"
The man said

"What's your name?"
I asked, sitting in a comfortable looking chair

"I'll be doing the asking"
He said
"But my name is Langdon"

I asked
"Just Langdon?"

He nodded
"So.. tell me about yourself"

"I'm generic.."
I started, shrugging
"I guess I'm a normal face in the crowd. I don't know man, just look at my file or something"

Langdon stood up and stood behind me, he put his hands on my shoulders

"Tell me about your sadness"
He asked

"Eh, I'm not sad"
I spoke
"I'm just lonely"

"Is there much difference?"
He hummed
"Why'd you think you should be chosen?"

"At this point, i don't think i should"
I answered
"I think it's better off if i died, i mean, I'm not that important. I left my mom to be here, it's not that exiting"

Langdon paused

"What is your sexual orientation"
He asked

I was caught off guard
"Uhh.. i don't know why that has anything to do with this but.. I'm (sexuality 😻)"

He hummed to himself

"Hey.. you seem really familiar, I'm sorry if people say that a lot but.. do i know you?"
I asked

"No.. i don't think we've ever met before"
He said

"Oh.. okay. Sorry about that"
I mumbled, embarrassed

Langdon nodded

"You may go"
He dismissed me

I stood up and walked to my room, there was something off about Langdon.. he seemed familiar and not quite human

"Another day, more avoiding"
I hummed, jumping on my bed
"Jesus, all the people are rich and stuck up"

I scoffed and laid on my back, i opened my book that i was reading earlier

An hour or two went past, everyone was called into the common room

I walked in, bumping into the hairdresser on the way in

"Ugh, peasants"
He hissed under his breath

I took a seat and the overseer of the shelter started to talk

"These last several months have been difficult for all of us. And perhaps, in my efforts to keep us safe, punitive measures have been taken too far. I believe now what we need is a moment of celebration, camaraderie. Which is why this weekend, as a gesture of goodwill, we will have a Halloween soirée in the style of a Victorian masquerade ball"
She smiled

"It's Halloween this weekend?"
The hairdresser turned to me
"If only my nana were here to enjoy it with me"

"We all lost track of time a bit. And this festive occasion is the perfect opportunity to remedy this. And i encourage you all to use your imaginations, to create what i am sure will be exquisite costumes. Attendance is mandatory"
She said, holding her cane


The weekend came like a flash, i was sat in my room with the hairdresser doing my hair. He was chatting away to me

"Don't you think the Langdon guys cute?"
I asked
"He seems nice"

"Back off honey, he's mine"
He laughed
"Anyway, i love Halloween. It's the one night of the year where the world puts in a little effort to be fabulous, like i am every other day"

"What if they're using Halloween as an excuse?"
I pondered
"What if they're using the party to announce who's going to the sanctuary?"

"Girl, you're smart. I wish i talked to you sooner, your so fun"
He smiled

"I feel bad for that Mallory girl"
I sighed
"She seems really nice"

"She's a grey, you're a purple"
He shot back
"Your practically royalty compared to her"

"Okay, okay.."
I said
"Thanks for your input i guess"

"Your hairs done, i think we're ready to roll"
The hairdresser said, sticking out his hand

I took it and walked into the common room with him

"Tonight is all hallows eve"
The overseer of the fortress walked into the room
"Which marks the beginning of the dark half of the year, when the boundaries between this world and the other thins and lost souls pierce the firmament, desperate to find their way home. It id a night to remember the dead, and there have been far too many to mourn. But also to celebrate that what we have yet to join them. We delight in the small things that were once taken for granted. To eat. To drink. Music and dance. Everyone and i mean everyone, should savour this night as if it were their last"

The woman pressed a button on the speaker, loud rock music started playing

Michael Langdon x y/n 😻😻Where stories live. Discover now