July 7th

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All my life all I have ever wanted was true happiness.I always thought it came freely but the world has taught me otherwise.

  My name is Kimberly Greenson,a sixteen years old struggling teenager. I was born in Singapore but have spent almost ten miserable years in Georgia. My parents had me eleven years after their marriage,they had  4 children before me and were the sweetest parents ever.  Kent,Ashley,Indy and Psalm are my siblings. I was so happy in Singapore that it felt asif pain and sadness were  not real,my parents got us all the best gifts and we had a cause to celebrate always. The grass was so green until July 7th 2005.
    It was a very sunny Tuesday afternoon and Kent had just left for swimming... Well swimming was where he told us he was heading to...but he went to a motorcycle garage,Kent had joined a gang of hoodlums ,he had been skipping school for weeks and no one ever noticed. His best friend Acy was so smooth with his lies, he always covered up Kent when ever he got home late,he always gave us the "Kent was in my place" lines. Sadly kent had a big fight with his geng,he owed them a huge amount of money and couldn't pay up. He was drowned in his own blood, slaughtered and had his body delivered to us. The sight of this tore my mom apart she trembled,my mom blamed herself for not paying close attention to him,she blamed herself for not letting him in more,she felt she would have done better with Kent,she was lost in self guilt.My mom started taking drugs, lost her job,lost all her friends and was slowly loosing her family, she was consumed by pain.
    Months in, my mom began to fight with my dad,they fought over almost everything,the color of the sheets,the texture of the beef,the volume of the tv, their marriage was sinking. My dad was fed up with her inability to get a hold of herself and left.He left us. Our lives took a very big turn,we barely had food to eat or clothes to wear and my mom wasn't helping matters she spent every dime she bagged on drugs . November 15th 2006 she passed away. On that very day I felt all the pain there could ever be,i saw my life crumble before me. All i had was Ashley,Indy and Psalm. We barely had a proper meal,moved from streets to streets, wearing the best of our rags.life became so difficult

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