What are you? Nerd, Dork, Geek, Popular Kid, Talented Kid, Jerk or Teachers Pet?
1. It's the last day of school do you...
A. Calculate how much free time you'll have in the holidays
B. Dancing in the hallway exposing your... self
C. Gather up your video games and create a plan for when you can play MineCraft with your friends
D. Not show up since you're already on holiday
E. Perform an act saying that you'll love the holidays and that you'll 'really miss' school
F. Fool around and prank every living cell in the school
G. Come to school with gifts for your teacher/s2. Shops have a sale but what would you want it to be on?
A. New pair of glasses
B. A life
C. The latest video game
D. Everything expensive and designer
E. Micro Phone, Dance outfit- anything else?
F. Food. So you can spend 600 dollars on fast food
G. A gift for your teacher3. One Direction is coming to town. Do you...
A. Show up early to see them but suddenly get sick
B. Do everything you can to see them
C. Not care, you're too busy on your computer
D. Get a VIP that 'Daddy' gave you last year
E. Get together an act for them
G. Get a CD signed from them and let a teacher (who needs a life) borrow it4. Create your own cupcake sprinkles
A. Books
B. The word LIFE
C. Computers
D. The most expensive and most glamorous sprinkles in the state
E. Your favourite artist
F. SwearWords
G. I <3 my teacher5. Favourite Number
A. All numbers
B. Ummmm... 26?
C. 123- it's the number of how many games I played last week
D. 1, it's so simple! Yet no one knows how simple it really is!
E. 9- the age I started dreaming about my fame career
F. Numbers are for losers
G. My teachers fav number which is 164!6. Your favourite thing to do is...
A. Figure out some of the hardest mathematical sums
B. Write in my diary
C. Stare at the computer screen
D. Enjoy a spa
E. Record yourself on a camera
F. Fool around with your friends
G. Read something because you've already finished ALL of your homework7. Special Talent
A. Smartness
B. Dorkiness
C. Playing video games
D. Being Popular
E. Being talented
F. Nothin' wate! Incorekt grama
G. Being loveable