Biting A Rose

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My name is Jennavieve Mathewson. I live in Eureka, Montana. I look normal. I have long auburn hair and hazel eyes, my face is perfect, my skin is pale, I’m thin, no freckles. I play chess. I read books. I have friends. I like clothes and magazines and music. My sister is my best friend. I get into fights with my brothers. Normal right? Wrong, there is one thing that isn’t normal. I am a vampire.

Chapter 1: The End

I hate rain. It is the only thing on this entire planet that can totally obliterate a good hair day. Rain is my closest companion; I have always lived in rainy towns. The constant cloud cover is really all we’re really looking for, without it my family and I would get some really strange looks. But you don’t really need to know that. All you need to know is that my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gillian Press, adopted us when we were younger because we’re “troubled” and they move to small towns because they want us to get away from any “temptation”.

This story might sound a little ridiculous, or like my parents are saints, but I know a lot about the human brain. You see, I can read minds… kind of. I can sense a person’s character, and, if I make eye contact, I can tell what they’re thinking. It’s weird. All that aside, it was my first day in my new life. It was, what else? Raining.

I turned up the volume of my touch-screen MP3 player as I speed down the back road to Eureka, Montana’s high school campus. Veronica, my most annoying sister, had a little trouble adjusting to the whole “having-to-repeat-high school-every-time-we-move” thing. I had gotten used to it, I’d have to go to school every time we moved since school was invented. So she had no right to pitch a fit.

 As we pulled into the parking lot I scanned the minds of the students there. Everyone was thinking the same thing: NEW STUDENTS!!!!! Annoying little things. I sat in my 2011 Ford Mustang just a second more so that I didn’t have to face the stares that much longer. Just as I had anticipated, a group of boys at the far end of the parking lot had focused in on me and were marveling at my beauty. A normal thing for humans to do, seeing as they should be our main food source.

Veronica and Damon got out of their blue Mini Cooper Clubman. Damon poked me in the ribs, the little brat, I glared back. He just rolled his eyes. I grabbed my books from the passenger seat and walked briskly to my first class, keeping my head down as I passed the still gaping boys. 

English was my first class; we had an in-class essay, a wiz for me, seeing as I’ve written multiple books in this “dead time” of mine. Next was calculus with Damon, he was newest one to our life and had a little trouble not attacking people. After calculus was gym. Blegh. I was stuck with three boys, all failing at trying to flirt with me. It’s sort of annoying when you try to have an intelligent conversation with some one and they get all tong tied.

That’s when I saw him. He was tall, exceptionally tall but no one paid him any attention. He had raven black curly hair and bright blue eyes. He was lanky, but not awkward, it was almost strange, like he shouldn’t fit in, he should have stood out but he didn’t. His thoughts were very interesting. He was thinking about me, as almost everyone was seeing as I was the “new single girl” but not like the other guys in the class, he was more like:

There is something up with that girl, and her family, I just can’t put my finger on it.

I blew it off; he couldn’t possibly know there was anything different about me.

Lunch came next. I sat at an empty table, not wanting to sit with my “siblings”. 

I bent my head over my calculus homework. We don’t eat, not here anyway; I don’t think the faculty would appreciate it much if we did.

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