Kaneki Ken X Reader

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You've known him since months ago when the two of you work in the same project in one of your class. But somehow, a tiny little crush had been growing inside of your heart for him. Sadly, he would never notice you, no matter what you do. He always has his eyes on that pretty woman, but not you.

He always has blush on his cheeks and sparkles on his eyes every time he saw that woman. When he finally talked with that woman, you knew you will never get your chance... He will never notice me, that's what you thought.

But then again, who knows what fate will bring us tomorrow? No one will know.

That day rain has been pouring all day long. Stuck alone in your apartment, you decided to play some romantic simulation games on your phone while lying on your bed. Suddenly a very loud crash can be heard from the living room, it sure was made you jump from your bed.

Scared of what might that sound was, you grab whatever object beside you -which was a broom you used just this morning- while your other hand tightly grab your phone.

Carefully, you walk as quiet as possible. You opened your bedroom door slightly just enough for you to take a peek. When you saw nothing, you walked out and peered over your living room.

Your jaw dropped to the floor with your eyes widen in disbelief. There you saw your glass window in the living room broken into pieces.

Nah... actually what make you in that state wasn't your window, but a body of what you assumed as guy or man lying on the floor in the living room and the fact that whoever that person is, his body almost covered in blood!

What you thought that time was "Did I've fell asleep and currently dreaming? Or is this kind of a bad joke?" you mentally slapped yourself because thinking some stupid things like that and debated about what you have to do.

Cautiously walking closer to the body, you jumped back when you saw he moved. You were about to called police -since you have no ideas how to called CCG's- that time, thinking that maybe he's a murderer or even worse a ghoul when he suddenly pinned you to the floor with inhuman speed.

You close your eyes from the impact for a second before open it to saw a masked ghoul with only one of his eyes exposed. His hair is a beautiful white color with that blood-red eye of ghoul's.

Your eyes widen in horror, scared of what might happen to you, you couldn't even muttered a word from how much you was scared. You don't hate ghoul like everyone else, well you do dislike them for what they did to innocent human, but you just couldn't stop thinking that maybe, there's a ghoul who have a kind heart just like human.

There have always a bad and a nice one for a living being in this world after all. But either way, you still felt terrified if you have to meet a ghoul like this. Well, what if this ghoul is a bad one?

A small whimper escaped from your (L/C) lips with tear sliding down on your cheek. You saw the ghoul's startled expression like he just noticed something which made you froze.

"______-chan?" he said questioningly. That voice, you know you heard it somewhere. You used to- No! You still love that voice. Could it be... blinking your eyes for a few times, you finally found your voice back, "K- Kaneki...-kun?".

Still pinning you down on the floor with his hands on your shoulder gripping it tightly while hovering over you, his eye softened for a second before it changed to what looked like panicking over something.

"Don't do something stupid or I- I- I w- will have to k- kill you" he threatened. Somehow, you can catch hesitation in his voice but nonetheless you give a nod for him.

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