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Saturday came quickly. Jihye wasn't that sure what to do when he came. She kept pacing around when there were no customers, and she kept playing with her hair, checking if she looked fine. She had worn very simple clothes, just jeans with a white t-shirt that had the famous wave painting printed on it. (from Uniqlo)

By lunch time though, Jungwon was still not here. This made Jihye's nerves grow even more. She knew they probably wanted to avoid the crowd, but making her wait like this was going to make her pull out some of her hair very soon.

Ugh.... what if he's not coming?

But at 3pm, a group of 7 boys wearing black masks and black caps entered the cafe, shuffling very close to each other. They all wore hoodies, except one particular person who seemed to dress up more. He was wearing a denim jacket over a white t-shirt paired with black ripped jeans. Jihye found herself staring at him, knowing full well that was Jungwon. Then she quickly ran to the locker room to compose herself.


my boyfie🥰
sweetheart, where r u?

my sweetheart❤️
uhhhh locker room

my boyfie🥰

my sweetheart❤️
uh, i mean

have u told ur members that ure dating?

my boyfie🥰


do u want me to tell them?

my sweetheart❤️
no not yet

my boyfie🥰
okay then i'll go to ur locker room

where is it?

my sweetheart❤️
it's very small and uh

well my co workers can see

and one of them is a hardcore kpop stan so im sure she's heard of u

so uh

my boyfie🥰
then whr do u wna meet?

my sweetheart❤️

well there's the storage room

but that feels a bit risky too

my boyfie🥰
darling everything is risky if ure dating a kpop idol

so, whr to meet?

my sweetheart❤️
i honestly have no idea

my boyfie🥰
does ur locker room hv a door to it?

my sweetheart❤️
yeah what locker room doesnt?

my boyfie🥰
some sch ones

mine didnt

except the shower rooms

my sweetheart❤️
u went to a boys sch right?

my boyfie🥰


hey how did u know??

my sweetheart❤️
u posted, rmb?

my boyfie🥰
oh yah right

my sweetheart❤️
okay so i guess u can meet me here

just follow the sign to the toilet then instead of turning left, turn right

my boyfie🥰


"Guys I'll go to the toilet. I want a oreo milkshake." Jungwon told his members and quickly excused himself. He followed Jihye's instructions to see a head peeking out a door quickly retracting itself.

"Jihye?" He softly said and opened the door to the locker room, but she wasn't anywhere.

"Um... Hi..." A figure stepped out from behind the door, cheeks all red. She wore a coffee-brown apron over her outfit, and her hair was tied into a simple ponytail. Jungwon smiled upon seeing her.

Heh.... She's cute...


"So..... you want a free cake?"

"You know very well I did not come her for a free cake, sweetheart." Jungwon peeked out into the corridor and closed the door to the locker room.

"Yeah.... So.... am I how you expected? I mean, my looks."

"I didn't really care. You are what you described yourself to be."

"Ah... Well, I'm still a potato."

"A what?"

"A potato."

"Tsk.... You're Yang Jungwon's girlfriend. You can't call yourself a potato." Jungwon crossed his arms in front of his chest, faking a frown.

"But I mean, I'm not idol-level of pretty."

"Who cares? I don't fall for someone's looks." Then he boldly took a step closer to Jihye, who nearly fell backwards if it weren't for him catching her by the waist.

"I just follow what my heart tells me. Also darling, you should be careful. Don't literally fall for me." Jihye's cheeks flushed even redder. Jungwon removed his hand from her waist as she stood herself upright again.

"Ehem.... Well, you should probably go back now. Your group members must be waiting for you." Jihye said.

"Yeah. And also," Jungwon pinched her cheek lightly. "I find you cute." Then he ruffled her hair and walked backwards to the door. "I'll video call you later, sweetheart." Then he turned the door handle and exited the locker room, leaving his dear girlfriend as a blushing mess.

Jihye touched her cheek, realising that this was real.

And that the Yang Jungwon just said she was cute.

Oh my gosh....

Oh my gosh....


She leaned onto the locker, feeling slightly lightheaded from the disbelief and happiness that she was dating her idol. Butterflies danced around in her stomach as she recalled the whole scene just now. Especially the part where he caught her by the waist before she fell.

Feeling the temperature of her cheeks rising again, she started fanning herself, and deciding that she will stay here until she managed to calm herself down.

Back outside, Jungwon returned to the table as if nothing had happened, but all his members just gave him puzzled looks.

"What were you doing in the toilet for so long?" Sunoo asked.

"Playing games." Jungwon gave a nervous smile, hoping they'd buy it.

And well, luckily they did.

"Gosh you could always come out and play. Drink your milkshake." Heeseung nagged like a mom.

"Yes momma."

"You little-"

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hi its 1am :D

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