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Hi! It's been a while but I have students taking exams and I've been reading some other stories as well (yes guilty) so I'm sorry and here is the update. I don't know why you don't comment maybe this really sucks or you are not into it but it would mean the world if you did. Love ya!!!


You know that feeling when iced water is thrown at you when you least expect it and your skin has its own revolution against the chilly liquid with goosebumps covering it... combine that with utter shock...that's what I felt at Mark's revelation of Harry's presence at the club. He was there all along obviously observing what I did, unless he was there on coincidence with Pete which I quite doubt since he hit that guy who made a move on me. But if he did see him why didn't he stop him? Was he so not into me anymore that he wouldn't help me when in need? And after all we had been through...he was there and he didn't want to even talk to me? I was so confused my head almost spinning with the different scenarios swimming in my brain...

I walked to my car, unlocked it and rushed in looking around afraid of I don't know what...I grabbed my phone without even thinking twice ... not about the time, the circumstances...nothing.

"Valerie..." his voice alone was enough to break me. I didn't speak I just drank in his beautiful raspy voice. He didn't sound asleep so Mark was right. He was there and he was so close to me.

"Valerie...are you alright?" he asked in agony and I held my breath, the sound squeezing my heart.

"Valerie...talk to me baby" he demanded and the use of the last word squashed me once again.

"Meet me at my apartment in fifteen" I said and hang up the sound of my words foreign as if I hadn't uttered them, as if someone else spoken for me. What was I expecting from him? What was I going to do when I saw him...if I saw him because me calling him didn't guarantee his coming.

I started the car and my heart was racing like crazy...I don't even know how I got home because I was surely not paying attention in the street. My mind was replaying the last day I saw him at the hospital three weeks ago with him letting me go wanting me to go on with my life, with him leaving me. Why did I call him? Shit, I was so weak! I lasted that long... why did I call him? A thick fog clouded my thoughts and I was blind, blinded by my love for him. I loved him so much that I didn't care that my dignity and ego were thrown out the window. My need to see him even if it was for him to remind me of what we cannot have was insatiable.

I parked the car. I took a big breath and opened the door to climb out when I saw him leaning against his bike at the parking lot, his arms folded against his chest, his hair tied back and his helmet sitting on the saddle. I froze...I had forgotten how breathtaking he was. I took another step closer hesitant of what to do next. I looked at him and he looked away for a few seconds clenching his jaw before he returned his gaze at me and I then I didn't have to think about what to do because he acted first.

He walked towards me with big strides and literally grabbed me pulling me to his chest and his lips were on mine claiming me, missing me as I had missed him. His arms encased me close to him holding me tight. I was taken completely off guard but I reciprocated and finally I started to function, too, with my fingers brushing his hair, cupping his face and my mouth drinking him in. Our bodies said what our words were unable or too scared to share.

I pulled away from him to take a breath and he pushed me back to him slowly leading me to the lift. He moved back for a second to check my reactions...he pushed the button for the lift and held me close to his chest my face buried to the crook of his neck inhaling that fantastic fragrance that only he emitted. My Harry...I was once again lost in him and I didn't care. If it meant a month of misery for a moment like this I didn't fucking care as pathetic as that sounds. No words were spoken when he opened the door with his spare key that I had never asked back. He guided us to my bedroom and closed the door behind him.

The state that I'm in. (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now