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The pale yellow she-cat lay down in a den, gasping in pain. Her throat clotted with blood, she lifted her head weakly as a white Tom stalked into the den, his eyes blazing.
“Why?” he snarled, his lips drawn back as he stared at her coldly.
The she-cat whimpered.
“F-F-Fogstar, I'm sorry.” she said quietly to her leader and mate.
“I thought I was right. I didn't mean to betray my Clan.” Her mew was quiet and scared as she trembled.
Fogstar growled. “You should've thought of that before you fought for the rogues! I warned you rogues are evil cats, and did you listen?!”
The pale yellow she-cat suddenly growled, her eyes glittering sharply with a new fire. She forced herself to stand up and meet Fogstar's eye.
“Have you forgotten I used to be a rogue? Who would you choose, huh? Your Clan or your mother?”
“And that's why we can't trust you! I should've never let you into this Clan! I was wrong to take you as a mate, Moonheart! You probably don't even love me.” For a heartbeat Fogstar looked away.
“I have always loved you! You're the one who never trusted me! You think I didn't notice how Vinefur snuck after me everywhere and at dusk before I went to bed you two always said something? You had her to spy on me, didn't you? Everytime I suggested hunting alone with a Clanmate, you never let me. I've seen the way you look at Roseberry as if she was going to suddenly rip her Clanmates’ throat out! You swore by StarClan you trusted me, then you wondered why Pebblestorm couldn't get in touch with StarClan for the past two moons? Well, that's why!”
Fogstar leaped in rage at her. “Of course I didn't trust you! Every night you snuck off somewhere without telling anyone! You thought no one would notice, well, I did! You were probably conspiring with your mother.”
Fogstar raked his claws across her face and she flinched.
Moonheart glared at him, kicking at his stomach until he loosened his grip. Then she leaped up and knocked him backwards.
Fogstar hissed and slashed a wound on her throat.
Moonheart gasped in pain, stumbling to the ground where she lay gasping and trembling.
“You were wrong. I was planning a surprise for you. Something that could benefit the entire Clan.” she rasped, but Fogstar had left.
Someone rushed into the den, panicking.
“Moonheart! I heard about your injuries and I had to come see you. I saw Fogstar leaving and he looked so mad!”
Moonheart recognized Roseberry.
“Roseberry,” she rasped. “Where's Sunkit?”
“He's in the nursery sleep.”
“Good.” Moonheart's vision blurred.
“Your throat! It's bleeding badly! Where's the cobweb? I saw Pebblestorm use it on my wounds before!”
“Cobweb won't help, Roseberry. Listen, you think every cat in the Clan trusts you. You're wrong. Take care of Sunkit while I'm gone.” she took a quick, deep breath.
She'll have to take care of Sunkit. She's the only other queen in the Clan.
Everything was blurry, and darkness was closing around her.
“Beware a cat you cannot trust, for he will lead to darkness and destruction.” Moonheart warned.
Her eyes moved to a glowing shape behind Roseberry.
“Hoperose, have you come to guide me?” she asked.
Roseberry looked confused. Hoperose silently nodded, and Moonheart closed her eyes and sighed her last breath.
Suddenly Moonheart could see her own body, and Roseberry whimpering beside it.
I will always be with you, Roseberry

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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