Math Class, With a Side of Flirting

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Jackson Tedford POV 

   I walked through the depressing halls of Ozark junior high. It was a normal day. Lunch had just finished, obviously being mediocre as ever. Now I'm heading to math class. There's barely anything good about the class. It's boring, I never learn anything, and it's right after break so it's *full* of sweaty athletes, and the teacher, Mrs, Massingale, is scary passive-aggressive. I wouldn't even go if it wasn't for him.

    I walk into the classroom, when I bump into someone. Our eyes meet, and it's him. Jaxon Sontchi. One of the guys of my dreams. Im so lucky to be dating an amazing guy like him. A great football player. I've been to a million of his games. He's tall, with fluffy brown hair, and greenish-brownish eyes, that glisten in the cheap lights. 

"Hey sweets-". He tells me. 

"Hey love!", I reply, and kiss him on the cheek. 

We both always get to class early just for that. Mrs. Massingale isn't ever early to her class, so it gives us a few seconds to kiss, hug, do whatever the h*ll we want. The problem is, nobody knows Jaxon is bisexual. The people at my school are a bunch of pricks, so obviously if word got out, Jaxon's reputation would be absolutely destroyed. The only other one that knows is actually, our other boyfriend, Jaksen Ross. 

The tardy bell annoyingly rings. Jaxon and I quickly rush over to our seats. Mrs. Massingale steps inside and our classmates flood in.  Sadly, Jaxon and I sit on opposite sides of the room, so we can't even talk. Luckily, Mrs. Massingale is currently in lecture mode. Jaxon and I pull out our phones. 

I click on my chat with Jaksen and Jaxon. A new text from Jaksen reads, "Do you guys wanna get Boba after school? 🧋". "Omigod! Sure!!!", I text back eagerly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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