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The Boys finally got back to Oscar's now chewed up House after walking what Oscar considered Miles. It didn't help that they got lost in the woods for a while, only having each other to make sure one of them didn't get left behind; it would've been some twisted form of Irony for the Universe to Kill one of them after just surviving that Chomping monster. It was also something that Oscar couldn't stand to allow, even if it wasn't a thought that was consciously there during that walk.

He looked down at himself to see a few scratches from the pines he passed by and the rocky ground he fell on when deciding to jump off a Train Track. He was shocked he had more mud on his pants than visible injuries when his whole body ached from fatigue and pain. That was probably why he didn't say anything on the walk back or when he went to change into cleaner clothes. None of them spoke a word as they set up their sleeping bags and attempted to rest. Not even the simplest murmur of a Goodnight between them as Oscar went to turn off the lights. They just let their Bodies walk, clean up, and rest as they processed what happened...at least that was what Oscar was doing.

He kept tossing and turning in his Sleeping bag despite him hurting each time he rolled over. His mind was wide awake as ever while his body begged for some rest. Oscar almost gave up on Sleeping after trying for what felt like 30 minutes, and just stared at the dark ceiling hoping it would distract him enough to sleep. Not focusing on Sleeping anymore made him realize he felt a bit of shaking to his side. It wasn't anything huge like from an Earthquake, but it was enough to make Oscar notice. He turned his head over and could only see the faint silhouette of Raj's back. Were they even still awake? The more Oscar thought about it... the more it made sense for the answer to be yes; he was awake as well, after all.

"Raj?" Oscar blurted out, forgetting that it's the middle of the night and should've kept his voice down. If Raj wasn't awake beforehand, he certainly was Awake now.

"What?" Raj turned over to face Oscar as they Whispered in an almost harsh yet calm tone. Facing each other didn't do much since they could hardly see anything with how dark Oscar's living room was.

"You Ok?"

"Yea... I guess." His voice started to drift off as if they hesitated to even finish their sentence; Oscar could tell he was still hesitating to speak more as a Silence grew between the two. Oscar may have been an idiot, but he liked to think he was usually in sync with how his friend's felt.

"I was just thinking about earlier and wondering about What ifs... it's stupid." Even through the pitch blackness, he was still able to make out Raj's shoulder movement as if he was shrugging off his fear and doubts.

"I doubt the Plushtrap Chaser is Going to get up again and attack us Raj, there's nothing to worry about." Oscar scooted himself up to be sitting, trying to put a hand on one of Raj's shoulders. Before Oscar could, Raj did the same as well; both now sitting directly in front of each other.

"It's not about the Chaser Oscar... It was about you standing in front of the Train." Raj's voice started to strain when mentioning the train. It almost started to sound like he was choking on his own words and was holding back something within them. Oscar couldn't wrap his mind around why out of everything that happened, and even the whole situation as a whole, the only Thing Raj was apparently thinking about was him... standing on the Train Tracks. Not when Isaac's foot was close to being eaten. Not when they were trapped inside a bathroom with the only exit being blocked by the very thing that would eat at their stomachs the second it had the chance to. Not when death was almost a few feet away, he was only thinking about the Train?

"Why?" Oscar's voice was flabbergasted as if what Raj said was completely ridiculous for him to comprehend; which wasn't what Oscar originally intended.

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