Alta Casta Academy

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Alta Casta Academy

One of the most prestigious schools for elites.

Students are divided into three divisions:

(1) First Division of Students

-Heirs/Heiresses of their Parents Company

- Sons and Daughters of a company's Major Shareholders

(2) Second Division of Students

Sons/daughters of:

- politicians
- attorneys
- small business owners (yung mga lumalago pa lang)
- Secretaries

(3)Third Division of Students

* They are the Social Welfare Students who entered the school through the scholarship program. They are the lowest group of students in the entire school.

Transferees are classified into two groups:

The "nouveau riche" and the Social Welfare Group.

Alta Casta Academy

The perfect school for rich kids and a Pandora's Box for the SWS ( Social Welfare Students).

But, not for me...

Alta Casta Academy is not just an ordinary school....

Not because it's a school for elites......

But because I believe that.....

There's a big mystery behind that famous institution.....

Alta Casta Academy Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon