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Neverland 29 years into the Future.....

Jake's POV

While my wife Izzy and I were cooking dinner, Jay our 13 year old son came downstairs.

"Dad, I need to barrow some money." Jay told me as he was going through my wallet.

"Whoa, whoa. Why do you need money? And most importantly why are you going through my  wallet?" I wanted to know.

"Oh, because me and some other friends are going to play lazer tag." Jay said.

"I don't know if that's a good idea son." Izzy exclaimed.

"Oh come on the worst thing you two can say is no." Jay said.

"No." I told him.

"Well I wasn't expecting a no from my own father." Jay exclaimed with annoyance.

"Look son love you, but this laser tag you're talking about is not a good idea. What did you get hurt?" Izzy asked.

"Hey mom come on I'm not going to get hurt, besides I'm going to wear a protection." Jay expanined.

"Last time you said that you were four and you fell off your bike without wearing protection." I said

"That's because Uncle Cubby told me not to waet protection when riding a bike." Jay exclaimed.

"Okay, to be fair that was a bad advice for Cubby to give you when you were four." Izzy said as I nodded.

"Okay fine, I won't go. I'll just go up in my room and play some video games." Jay said.

"Don't you remember that you have that essay to write for Peter Pan." Izzy reminded him.

"Oh man I forgot, all right I'll get started on it thanks Mom!" Jay said as he left.

Jay's POV

As I was in the middle of doing my essay, my phone rang as it was Trevor.

"Yo Jay, where are you?" Trevor wanted to know.

"Home! My parents said I can't go and play laser tag with you guys. Also I have an essay to write." I explained.

"Come on man forget the essay just sneak out of the house, and come play laser tag with us." Jeffrey, who is listening in the background told me.

"I'm on my way!" I told them as I hung up my phone went downstairs  peaked to see if my parents were looking luckily they didn't so I snuck out.

Princess's POV

As I was hanging out with Aunt stormy and Uncle Cubby along with my niece and nephew, I'm looked out the window and saw that Jay was leaving.

"Excuse me for a second." I told them as I walked out of The hideout that Daddy gave to Uncle Cubby.

"Jay Hutchinson Green where are you going all dressed up in weapon gear?" I asked.

"Oh I'm going to go play  laser tag with my friends." Jay told me.

"Jay go home. Your my little brother and I don't want you to get hurt." I told him.

"So wha? You going to tell me." Jay wanted to know.

"No, I just want what's best for you. I'm your older sister so back home you go." I exclaimed.

"Yeah not happening, see you later." Jay said.

"Jay, you're making your big mistake." I shouted.

Jay's POV

As I arrived at the building where my friends are playing laser tag, what I didn't notice was this was actually a setup. Because I saw two bullies beating up my friends.

"Hey! Why don't you teo pick on someone your own size." I told them as they came towards me.

These people were not nice at all. So I immediately texted Princess.

"Look what we have here a little 13-year-old shrimp saving his friends. Who did you text your daddy hahahaha." The big mean one asked.

"Nope, guess again you big bullies!" My friends the boys and I heard of familiar voice as we turned around and saw that it was Princess.

"Step away from my little brother, and his friends!" Princess told them.

"Haha, not going to happen. Because we're going to beat your little brother and his friends up." The bigger bully explained.

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" Princess called out as she started to fight the bullies.

"Jay, you and your friends go behind a tree. Now that's an order." Princess told us.

"But what about you? You're going to get hurt." I said.

"Don't worry, I learned how to survive from Dad and Mom of course. And trust me, these two bozos know not to hit a girl." Princess explained while my friends and I hid behind a tree.

"You guys okay?" I asked.

"Yeah we're fine. Ouch." Trevor exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think one of the bullies, placed sharp twig in my abdomen." Trevor told me.

"Here let me take a look." I said as I took a peek at his wound.

'Yep that twig, is really in there deep." I exclaimed.

After the bullies were now scared of my sister and leaving, she ran towards us.

"Okay, those bullies won't bother you three anymore. Awesome what happened to Trevor?" Princess asked.

"One of the bullies plays The twig inside his lower abdomen." I told her.

"Jay Hutchinson green!" I heard a familiar tone as Princess and I turned around and saw that it was Dad.

"You told on me Princess?" I asked.

"No, your sister didn't told on you I knew you snuck out after I checked on you in your room and realized that you weren't in there. I knew you were going to come and play laser tag with your friends. But what I didn't know was that it was a setup and bullies were trying to well beat you guys up." Dad explained.

"Sorry." I apologized.

"We will speak about your punishment when we get home." Dad told me.

Jake's POV

"Dad, I don't think Trevor's going to make it he's losing a lot of blood." Princess said.

"Did you bring the first aid kit Princess?" I wanted to know.

"Yep!" Princess answered.

"Okay, on a count of three you pull but slowly as I will put a towel on his wound." I told her while she nodded.

"One, two, three....." I claimed as Princess pulled slowly and The twig came out as I placed the table on Trevor's wound then took my bandana off my head and wrapped it around it.

"Thank you Mr Hutchinson. I'm going to go to the hospital." Trevor exclaimed.

"Jay as your punishment, take your friend to the hospital." I said.

"Oh man, why do I have to do it?" Jay asked.

"Do you want me to ground you for 4 weeks?" I asked.

"Ugh, fine. Come on Trevor." Jay exclaimed as him and Jeffrey helped him up and took him to the hospital.

To be continued

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