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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to the first chapter! Enjoy!

edited on october 28th, 2023 @ 8:47pm

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧




《 𝖩𝖴𝖫𝖸 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟩 》

THEY SAY AS YOU GET OLDER, you end up having a lot of regrets. Things you wish you could change, but you can't because they already happened.

For twenty-seven year old Hanemiya Kazuhiro, that was very well the case.

At fifteen, they lost both their childhood best friend and twin brother in a misunderstanding in a gang war.

Around the same time, they broke up with the one man they loved dearly. All because they wanted to be with said brother.

At eighteen, they joined the MMA when they were scouted just after high school, quickly gaining fame as Japan's undefeated champion.

"And there it is! Hanemiya Kazuhiro's famous tornado kick! What a knock-out!" The announcer exclaimed as a twenty year old Kazuhiro knocked their opponent back.

But even that came crashing down.

"The final match will be Igarashi Raiden against Japan's undefeated champion of seven years, Hanemiya Kazuhiro!"

A twenty five year old Kazuhiro lets out a breath as they heard the crowd cheer when they stepped into the ring.

"It's quite an honor to fight you." Raiden bowed. Kazuhiro said nothing as they got in a fighting stance and the referee signaled for the two fighters to begin fighting.

Kazuhiro and Raiden circled each other before Raiden struck first. Kazuhiro dodged his punch before trying to send a kick towards Raiden, who grabbed their leg and threw them to the strings of the ring.

Kazuhiro fell as they let out a grunt of pain. "Come on, Hanemiya! Do what you do best and end this fight!" Their coach exclaimed.

It's okay. Kazuhiro could turn this fight around. They were just caught off guard.

Kazuhiro stands up before charging forward again, trying to land a punch or even a kick, but they were all blocked. Raiden got into a fighting stance before sending a hard punch towards Kazuhiro's chest, knocking them down.

"Hanemiya!" They heard their coach call out, before he rushed onto the ring.

"Can't... breathe." Kazuhiro managed to get out, clenching their chest before everything went black.

Kazuhiro locked the door of their bar, Azure, before heading to the train station so they could go to theirs and Seto's apartment so they could get some sleep. Their bar was only closed during the day as a lot of people partied throughout the night. Their bartender and best friend, Tanji Rie, had the key. So she usually opened while they came in at a later time.

𝗬𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗢𝗪 ⸺ 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗈 𝖢𝗁𝗂𝖿𝗎𝗒𝗎Where stories live. Discover now