the meeting of the pink rose Part 1

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There once lived a singular blue rose who never even had the thought of love cross her mind. She was just bathing in sunlight as usual, taking in the floral scent as if she was taking a relaxing bath but in a flower garden. She who lived in this garden for many years has memorised every single flower, old and new. The petals who once were unfamiliar became a regular after a day had past. She has seen many wither and die yet maintain their beauty till their last petal. She who has seen many shed their tears as their loved ones withered away, replaced by new ones on their grave. The painful expressions worn on her friends as their significant other withers away has cause the poor blue rose to never love as it only brings pain. She herself was scared. She knew the pain of her friends passing away but the pain of having a significant other dying? The blue rose just wasn't sure if her heart could take the pain and grief but it all changed when a flower so graceful and bright who radiates warmth and happiness was planted right next to her, her heart fluttered as her vision bloomed with the most vibrant view, never noticing how beautiful the garden really was and how each flower emitted different scents. She never knew how unique each flower really was and yet she never tried to learn either as she only ever tried to shut herself out, afraid of being close to the other flowers, scared.

'Who is this flower' she wondered.

Why did her heart flutter every time she saw her?

Why was she so nervous to talk to her?

Why was she so beautiful and perfect?

All these questions kept lingering in her mind until the same flower who she was thinking about spoke to her.

'Excuse me? As you can probably tell, I just got transported here so Im quite new around here. Can you please tell me more about this breathtaking garden?'

Looking at the breathtaking pink rose, she didn't even realise that the pink rose has stopped talking until she stopped hearing the pink rose's melodic voice that danced in her head. As she snaps back to reality, she wonders what these tingling sensations she feels in her heart are. She thought that maybe it was love but she shook the though off, forbidding herself to ever love and thinking that it was childish and immature of her to even think about love. She reminded herself that she never even experienced romantic feelings for any flower so she can't even be sure if what she's feeling is a crush or not.

Oh how wrong the blue rose was.

It have been over a month ever since the pink rose has arrived and she finally gave in the thought and accepted the fact that she loved the beautiful pink rose. Now all she needed to do was try and hint to the pink rose that she had a crush on her.

She tried to get the attention of the pink rose, giving her hints of her romantic feelings to her yet she never noticed.

Months passed that then turned to years until the blue rose was brought back to her senses and noticed that years has passes yet the rose still hasn't taken the hint of her feelings for her. She started thinking of giving up on the pink rose until one day, the pink rose acted strange. She smiled more at the blue rose. Not knowing why, the blue rose asked why the pink rose seemed so much more happy these days.

The rose only replied with 'once you know, which wont be much longer, you'll be just as happy as me.' not knowing what she meant by that, the blue rose went on with her day, trying to reconsider her crush on the pink rose.


so this is it for the first chapter ig I originally thought that I won't be doing any chapters but here I am planning on writing a second chapter- anyways I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope this wasn't too confusing to read and umm have a good day, afternoon or night

I will try and update as much as I can but please do understand that I still go to school and is an unmotivated asshole who always get writers block.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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