-twenty one-

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my boyfie🥰
hey sweetie are u back home?

my sweetheart❤️

my boyfie🥰
okay u free to call now?

my sweetheart❤️

but what abt ur members?

wont they find out?

my boyfie🥰
well uh

i told them i was gonna get stuff from the convenience store and im in the van now

my sweetheart❤️
ur manager?

my boyfie🥰
oh my manager hyung knows everything

he helps me keep it a secret

my sweetheart❤️
so sweet?

my boyfie🥰
yes indeed

okay so call now?

my sweetheart❤️

my boyfie🥰 is requesting for a video call...


Jihye just tilted her camera upwards, too shy to face Jungwon. On the other side, Jungwon raised an eyebrow as he was met with a ceiling.

"Darling, I'm video calling you to see you, not the ceiling."

"Yeah wait...." The camera was adjusted and Jihye was soon in frame. Her hair was down this time, and she wasn't wearing her glasses.

"Can you see me without your glasses on?"

"Yes, don't worry. I can see your handsome face as clear as ever." Jungwon's lips curved into a smile upon hearing this.

"You sure you can see me?"

"Yeah my eyesight isn't that bad. Also, I'm short-sighted, so I can see fine with this distance." Jihye tucked her hair behind her ear, as it was flying all over her face. Jungwon nodded and just stared at his screen, eyes glittering in happiness.

"So, how's your preparation for your debut going?" Jihye asked.

"It's going great. The songs are all great. Ah right, there's this song called Le-"

"NO DON’T TELL ME!" Jihye suddenly screamed, startling poor Jungwon who nearly dropped his phone. A 'oh no what did I do' look was plastered on his face, a slight frown playing on his lips. Jihye's just grinned awkwardly at him.

"Ehem... Uh, sorry. I just don't want any spoilers."

"Geez okay. You didn't need to shout so loud, darling. You nearly made me drop my phone."


"Well, I guess I should not talk about what I've been doing. Let's talk about what you've been doing."

"Huh? I've not been doing much though. My life is just school honestly." Jihye shrugged.

"Oh come on, there must be something else."

"I mean, besides you and my friends, it's just dramas. I don't know. Life's boring."

"So it's boring even when you're dating me, sweetheart?" Jungwon bit his lip slightly and raised an eyebrow.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now