Chapter 1: University

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Eunseol POV
I can't believe that I'm finally going to university
Oh and just so I get you guys updated
Me and Jungkook decided to move in together
We bought this awesome apartment next to our university
We sleep in different rooms and we will barley see each other due to the amount of homework and assignments we will have (I may have eavesdropped on some university students to get this information)
The only time we will see each other is in the mornings, weekends, holidays, drama class and dance class
Today is our first day and I am super excited
I mean this is a huge step for us after what happened with the doctor
R and Robin haven't shown up after that day and I'm pretty sad about that
But at least I have Jungkook
I took a shower got dressed and ate breakfast and now I'm waiting for Jungkook to finish his breakfast
"Hurry up or we'll be late" I say
"I'm sorry this is the first time I had a decent meal" he says stuffing his face
Aww he's so cute when he's eating
Ok I have to admit I do have feelings for Jungkook but I feel like we're drifting away
I don't know why but it just feels like that
"Ok I'm done" he says while putting his plate in the sink
"Ok, let's go!" I say and hold his hand and run out the door
When we reach the university I'm panting and Jungkook looks like he barely ran
"Ugh! Vampire powers are so annoying" I say and Jungkook laughs
When we enter the campus a guy a really hot guy walks up to us
(A/N: Yah! Eunseol focus on Jungkook)
Sorry author-nim it's just he looks so good
"Hi my name is Park Jae hee its a pleasure to meet you" he says

Jungkook POV
I can see that Eunseol likes him
It really breaks my heart to see her looking at other guys
I have gained a lot of feelings for her and they are starting to expand even more
To the point that I don't want her to even talk to any other guy but me
I know it's a bit possessive of me but I can't help but love her
She's just so happy all the time, her smile makes my day
And she is always kind and helpful
She's everything a guy could want
And that's what I'm afraid of
She's everything a guy wants
I've been thinking long and hard about this but I don't seem to have the courage to do this
The only way to make her mine is to marry her
But I can't do it
I can't believe that I've fought with vampires, got stabbed and almost fell out of the sky
And I can't ask this simple question
Will you marry me?
I look at Jae hee and she has a huge smile on her face
That makes me happy, to see her happy
But I don't know why but a part of me is feeling a bit sad like I want to be wanted
We walk to our first class which is history
The teacher tells us to introduce our selves to the class
"Anyeonghaseoyo, Choi Eunseol Imida"
All of the guys look pretty interested in her and they start whistling
Eunseol takes a seat next to that Jae hee guy from this morning
"Anyeonghaseoyo, Jeon Jungkook Imida" I say
And to my surprise the girls start to smile at me and giggle whenever I look at them
I sit next to an "ok" looking girl and I'm behind Eunseol
I can't take my eyes of Eunseol
Just thinking about proposing is out of this world
Does she even love me back?
Or am I just a friend to her
I ruffle up my hair and put my head on my desk
I have to man up
I close my eyes and I drift into Lala land

~~~~~ POV
I open my eyes and I'm in a classroom
Oh look at all the women here am I in heaven!
I look at the women sitting to my left
They look at me and giggle
Aaaahhh I can't help but to wink at them
They all look so beautiful but one in petticoat caught my eye
The girl sitting in front of me
Her hair is silky and her figure is beautiful
The bell rings and she stands up and walks to me
"Let's go eat together?" She says I nod like a mad man and walk with her to the cafeteria
She gets a tray and hands one to me I take it and get food and sit with her
"The university is amazing isn't it?" She says looking around with a beautiful smile on her face
I nod
She look at me and squints her eyes then her eyes widen

Eunseol POV
This is not Jungkook
I look at my necklace and it's a lighter brown
"Who are you?" I ask
He smiles
"My name is David"

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