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:This was not the plan

If looks could kill Jace Jones would have slaughtered millions.
It's not that she wasn't a nice girl, she was tempestuous to say the least. She was getting ready to present her first project of the term that would contribute to wether or not she could get into the university of her choice when she bumped shoulders with some guy in the hallway and now her clothes were stained with a chunky orange liquid. Oh and the stench of orange just lingered there.
So there she was hunched over the sink staring herself down in the school's bathroom mirror. Great just great. Her chest rose and fell slowly but violently,calming herself down was not a easy thing to do. She just continued to stare into her own green eyes like one of them would finally give in and break. Time was beginning to feel as though it was a slowing and sound just became a faint buzz, so faint she hadn't even realised the door beginning to creak open.
"Oh shit!" A deep and almost monotone voice exclaimed
"Excuse me this is the ladies room."
"Actually it's not, you see it's a single bathroom unisex, only one person can use it so there's no need for it to only belong to one sex."
"Alright smart-ass, we'll I'm in here."
"Wow not my fault you didn't lock the door."
"I did!"
"Then how'd I get in, huh." his tone gradually growing agitated
"Just get out."
And do he did angrily almost toddler like, which truly contradicts the size of him. Jace hadn't realised it before but he was tall and broad had dressed ever so casually but some how looked so put together. Not that it mattered to Jace at the time she was to wound up to think about anything other than being wound up.
Jace began to dampen some tissue in attempt to clean some of the stain of but it was no use. So she took it of and tossed it into her black handbag. She looked in the mirror once more to in a deep breath and give her self a once over. Since she had shed a layer of clothing she was now in a black tank top and green blue and grey tartan mini skirt with sheer tights and little black slip on shoes. Her blonde hair straight with a slight curl at the bottom of it. She huffed in the mirror this was her shot at getting something she truly wanted a spot at the best college in the United Kingdom because after all the Jones' do strive for success.

To be the best of the best.

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