Chapter 3

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The stores are closed, and streets are empty as Harper walks home from work. Strange, because she never walks home from work since she lives too far away. Why did she decide to walk again? Why couldn't she remember?

Snowflakes flutter from the sky, and even though she is only wearing a skirt and a light sweater, she feels perfectly warm. Cozy even. Something about watching the falling snow against the backdrop of the streetlights reminds her of being home as a kid and watching with Kye the snow piling up in the streets, praying that it would last long enough for school to be canceled the next day. 

School... why does school feel important right now? She's not in school anymore. Unless something happened and they took away her diploma? No, that's silly. She must have passed a school on her way here. But where is here? And where is she going?

Why can't she remember anything?

A small cry draws Harper's attention to a car parked on the side of the road. As she gets closer, the noise increases in frequency until the poor creature is crying out nonstop. Crouching down, Harper peers under the car and sees a tiny kitten tucked near the back tire.

"You poor thing. Come here. I won't hurt you."

She slides her hand under the car and wiggles her fingers around until a sharp pain starts to radiate from her finger.

"Ow! Did you have to bite me?" 

But as she pulls her hand back, Harper notices that it is not a bite but a slice straight down the back of her hand. Too perfect to be caused by anything other than an extremely sharp piece of metal. 

"What the hell?"

As she glances up, Harper's whole body froze as she caught sight of herself in the side mirror of the car. Deep purple and green bruises litter her face as blood pours down from her hairline. A large slash creates the illusion of a necklace draped over the base of her throat while scratches run up and down the side of her neck. 

Why didn't anyone save her? 

Why didn't Aeron save her?

Why didn't Kye save her?

Why didn't Misha save her?

...Misha? But she hasn't seen Misha in almost ten years. Why would she expect Misha to come save her? 


"Misha!" Harper's eyes fly open as she wakes up with a gasp, her ex-boyfriend's name echoing through the room. Regret instantly fills her as her head starts pounding as soon as the rest of her body gets the message that she is awake. 

"Oh god. What the hell happened last night? Did someone spike the punch at the Winter Formal," she moans as her eyes flutter shut.

"Do kids really do that or is it another one of Hollywood's lies about high school?"


Harper's torso shoots up in panic as an unexpected but oddly familiar male voice comes from her doorway. Is the stalker finally making his move? But why didn't Lily wake her up if someone broke in? Or better yet, why didn't she let Dave out take care of him? What was the point of having a zombie living in your house if he didn't scare off intruders?

A wave of nausea interrupts the rabbit hole she started going down, reminding Harper that sudden movements might not be a good idea for a while. Her stomach rolls as the pressure behind her eyes increases to the point that her eyes feel like they will pop at any moment. She hums, hoping to stop herself from vomiting, but it is obvious that she is going to lose this battle. 

With a sudden lurch, Harper flops to her side so that her head is hanging over the bed and begins to throw up. Salty tears roll down her cheeks as throat and nose start to burn from the acid. Each heave of her stomach is matched with a painful throb in her temples. She is vaguely aware of a hand tracing random patterns on her back while someone pulls her hair back, but Harper pays little attention to the human attached to the hands. 

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