Chapter 1: Beginning

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Avian Flamewing: Awakening

Chapter 1: beginning

The land of Oldrion was a land most forgot. It was the year 1182 and Oldrion was hidden away in a mountain valley, making it quite the mysterious country. Oldrion was full of forests, mountain ranges, and Many large cities and villages. The cities were bustling with activity. The land was created long ago by a group of 4 primordial beings, named: Tomjir the god of wind, Terranok the god of earth, Vejun the goddess of water, and Unus the goddess of fire. When this world was created and was populated by people the Gods decided to allow the inhabitants to inherit Oldrion and all it has to offer.

But this story isn't just about Oldrion, this story is about Avian Flamewing.

Avian grew up in the town of Ashgate. It was one of the smaller towns in Oldrion.It was only populated by a couple hundred people. It was known for its mages guild also known as the hall of cinders which was led by the Crimson Sorcerer, his father. The title, Crimson sorcerer was only given to the strongest of all fire mages in Oldrion. As the leader of a mages guild it was up to him to maintain peace between other guilds, some would be made up of mages that only specialized in one type of magic, others would be exclusive to traders and craftsmen. He never allowed Avian to visit him at the mage's guild. His father believed it was far too dangerous for a child to be near the mages of Ashgate. Avian still never listened to his father's warnings and snuck in while his father was having a meeting with a group of sorcerers. As Avian was exploring the spooky, maze-like halls of the building he almost got attacked by the guards who thought he was an intruder. Luckily his father had discovered him and had taken him home to his mother and sister so he could go back to his meeting.

"You mustn't go near those mages again Avian" said his father

"But why?" said the young Avian

"Those Mages are far too dangerous for a child to be near"

"But you go near them father"

"I do that so we can create peace in Oldrion"

"You wouldn't understand, maybe when you're older I'll tell you but for now, Come with me."

He led Avian into the guild hall's grand library, leading him to a tall grey bearded man reading alone. "Avian this is the book keeper of the hall of cinders, Cornelius Brightburn. He is my closest friend and most trusted ally."

"Thank you Dorhan, hello Avian it is an honor to meet you. Your father speaks very highly of you. One day you will be just as strong as your father if not more. He is one of the bravest sorcerers in all of Olderion, and he's saved me many times."

"Oh cornelius stop with the flattery, you're already going to get some tonight." said Dorhan with a large grin.

"What does that mean father?" asked young Avian."I'll tell you when you're older Avian, But for now I must head back to my meeting. Cornelius is here to answer any of the questions that I haven't had the time to answer" said Dorhan

"Goodbye father" said young Avian giving his father a tight hug before watching him walk away and out of sight. Avian walked back over to Cornelius and sat down next to him.

"How long have you known my father?" Asked Avian

"We've been friends ever since childhood, we trained together, fought together and have done everything together" He said with tears streaming down his cheeks. He started sniffling and wiped the tears away."What's wrong cornelius?"

"Oh it's nothing, I just get a little emotional when thinking about your father, He's my closest friend and Ally."

The next day Avian's family went to the town market to buy food. Avian found a merchant selling books of magic and tales of Great ancient treasures. He found a book of spells for beginner mages and a book about the Mysterious Deities that created Oldrion long ago."Excuse me good sir, how much are these books?" Said Avian to the merchant.

"It's so nice to see younger folks reading about magic these days, since you're my first customer this day it'll be just 1 silver piece altogether" "Thank you sir" Said Avian. He paid the merchant then went and joined back with his family.

When they were returning from the town market they were attacked by a thief. He had pale white skin with a strange skull shaped burn on his forehead and a long black dagger strapped to his belt.

"Give me all your gold and jewelry," said the thief

"Here take it please just leave my family alone" Said his father tossing a gold locket and a sack of coins to the thief.

"I'm not done with you yet" he says as he slowly draws out his blade.

He charges toward Avian's father and drives his dagger into his heart.

"Father!" Yells Avian

"Now your next" The Thief moves away from Dorhan and charges towards young Avian "No, you can't take him away from me." screams Avian's mother as she dove toward the blade.

"Mother why would you do that for me?"

"Because you need to save your sister"

The Thief let go of the dagger leaving it in the woman's chest, then killed Avian's sister. "Once I'm done with you, the Flamewing's will be no more!" Hearing this Avian started Shouting "Guards! Guards! Please come quick! My family has been murdered!"

"I'll be seeing you Avian Flamewing, Just you wait!"

The guards arrived to discover the tragedy witnessed by Avian. "My gods! What has happened here?" Said one of the guards. "A Thief.....He..he.." Looking down over his sister, Avian starts to cry. "Look around he....took away everyone, everything I love and just left me here." "Who are you lad?" asked the guard. "My name is Avian Flamewing" "Dorhan's son? I'm very sorry for your loss child, come with me and we will find you somewhere to stay." The guard helped the grieving up and pulled him away from his father's corpse.

Over the next few weeks avian was living in an orphanage until he was adopted by a man who introduced himself as Cornelius. Avian had thought Cornelius looked familiar until he realized we worked with his father at the hall of cinders. Cornelius was the newest elected leader of the mages Guild of Ashgate. As a young boy, Cornelius taught him about magic, along with the infinite realms of magic and dark magic. Cornelius was one of the strongest mages of Oldrion. He preferred fire magic but dabbled in all the elements. He knew of dark magic, but never used it, as it was illegal.

Cornelius grew up in the same orphanage that he found avian in. It was called the 'Ashgate home for abandoned souls. When he had turned 10, he started helping at a magic Shoppe near the orphanage. He quickly became the apprentice of the mage who ran the Shoppe. The owner was the previous leader of the wizard guild before Avians father Dorhan. He had taught Cornelius almost everything he knows today. He thought that before he died, he should pass on his knowledge about magic to someone younger than him.

Now, Back to Avian. He had been working on mastering some basic spells his father taught him. He had been collecting books filled with so many kinds of spells: Fire, Ice and Lightning spells, Healing spells for wounds, and Defensive spells for building barriers. So far, he almost finished mastering the Fireball spell, but it never quite reached the correct size. It always became too small to do any damage. The other spells he was practicing were an ice spell and a lightning spell. The spell of ice called frost walk and was meant for freezing water to walk on it. The lightning spell was called Shock, it would cause his fingers to emit small bolts of lightning, only enough to burn not cause to much harm.

After his training avian went into his home and ate a few bites of a pheasant he cooked with his small fireball spell. He went back outside and walked down to a magic shop. He only had 100 gold pieces, so he thought about buying a new spell book. He saw the shop and went in.

He asked the shop owner "do you have any old spell books?"

"How old"

"5th century "

"They're in the back"

Avian started walking toward the back of the shop and saw it, "The eldritch knights guide through the dark realms". This book was supposed to be banned, but this one must have been forgotten. He saw a price tag that said "70 gold pieces." He grabbed the book and went over to the owner and bought the book. Happily, the shopkeeper didn't realize what this book was. As he walked home, he thought about what mysteries this book would hold. As he got to the door of his home he went to bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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