Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there was...

Wait... No, not once upon a time. This story actually takes place in the 21st century. I, Sasha was actually born only 26 years ago. This story starts when I had the age of 15.

My name means protector of humanity. That is exactly what I will be. But I'm only 15. I still have no clue.

Every day the same things. Waking up. Getting ready for school. Going to school. Taking 8 hours of class every day. Learning stupid, random stuff we will never ever need again in our life. In nobody's life. It's almost as if the principal wants too make me tired of the work, drop out and live a life in pure misery. Ofcourse, in the country I live, you just can't drop out of school until you're 18.

Only 3 more years to go.

I have straight brown-blonde hair. It's so long it almost toutches my butt. My eyes are a light shade of purple. This colour is common for baby's, but as they grow older, the eye colour changes into a different colour. I have a rare eye colour, just because mine didn't change the same. My skin is a very light shade of brown. It's more white, but very tanned. My body, well, I'm not too confident about it. I'm not really fat, but I do have curves. I'm not a stickman. A white smile, freshly painted nails every day, and my hair often braided.

That's me.

Right now, it's a random day at school... I'm sitting here, listening to a teacher who is teaching the stupidest things about physics... My eyes are almost closing as I stare at the teacher , Mr. Gravio.

We're seeing gravity right now. We learn that it's a power that makes sure that when an apple falls from a tree, it lands on the ground and it doesn't float somewhere in the air. You all know it.

I'm listening carefully when he says something that I think is weird.

But the bell rang, and he told us to close our books.

We now have 15 minutes no class. Nice.

I walk out of the classroom with my backpack stuffed with books. When I got outside, I searched for my friends in the spot we usually stand. It's a sunny place, on the grass next to the buildings. Some trees to lean on.

As I meet with them, I hear them talking about random stuff again. Happens every day. It's kinda nice. Just fooling around with everyone.

I have a lot of friends. There's Sam, a girl with blonde hair who just loves to annoy people. She's great. You have Tania, she has brown, long, straigt hair. I adore her hair. Connor is a boy with crazy black hair. He painted a few hairs of it bright blue. Rome is the boyfriend of Connor. He was our friend a bit later as us, but that doesn't matter. He is just great.

We jut fooled around until we had to go to class again. English.. I love it.

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