10 // Feed The Demons

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"Feel any better?" Knox asks after lying in silence with Everett for almost an hour.

"Yeah," Everett softly replies. "I know I'm not the easiest person in the world to deal with, so thanks for staying with me when you didn't have to."

Knox succumbs to the tugging at the corners of his mouth, breaking out into a smile. "As if I'd rather be anywhere else."

The pull Knox feels toward Everett is bordering on otherworldly. A traumatic event brought them together, and now Knox can barely stand to be away from the boy. He isn't sure how he ended up spooning Everett on his bed, but this is the position they wound up in after Everett's crying fit ended.

Knox would laugh at himself if he wasn't still upset about whatever the fuck it was that triggered Everett. Finn had placed the blame on Scar, but Knox prefers to do his due diligence before falling for hearsay. Something obviously triggered Everett, and Knox has never been more determined to get to the root of the problem.

And, if push comes to shove, eliminate it.

"Before I lost my shit and freaked everyone out, Finn explained to me the reason behind why you claimed me," Everett says, his fingers drawing made-up shapes on Knox's hand that's resting at his waist. "He also referred to you as The Beast. Is that your official nickname around here or something?"

"Or something," Knox grumbles.

"I didn't get to ask Finn about the meaning, so what's the story behind it?" Everett questions, and he doesn't miss the way Knox's body tenses behind him. "I'm sorry. You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable."

Knox sighs at the apology, unconsciously nuzzling his face into Everett's curls. He's been here for a while, so his natural scent has mixed with Knox's cologne, creating a unique smell that makes Knox's head spin and core tingle in the most delicious way.

"It's more so about not making you feel uncomfortable," Knox says.

"God, is it really that bad?" Everett asks.

"Yes," Knox answers with another sigh. "I've done things over the years, a lot of sick and twisted shit, that will grant me a permanent spot in Hell when I die. Contrary to how I hype up the club and my brothers, I'm not a good person, Everett. I'm a monster; a fucking savage with no remorse. I may not have been born this way, but it's who I am now. There ain't no changing me."

Everett turns around at that, facing Knox. "There's still some good left in you, Knox. A lot of good. I wouldn't be here right now if there wasn't."

"You give me more credit than I deserve, kitten." Knox smirks, but this time, it doesn't reach his eyes. "Me calling myself a monster isn't some depressive statement to gain pity points; it's a fact. The things I've done to my enemies... they're unrecognizable by the time I'm finished with them. And you know the worst part? Sometimes I take pleasure in delivering pain. It feeds the demons that keep me alive."

Claimed by The Beast | LGBT Bikers | ExcerptWhere stories live. Discover now