they see you without makeup for the first time - Bangchan

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You woke up to the sun shining through the blinds of your shared house with your loving boyfriend Bangchan. He wasn't in the bed next to you, so you assumed that he had already left for work. You decided to go down stairs and make yourself some breakfast, but as you walked in to the kitchen you saw your boyfriend standing there cooking breakfasts. "I thought you had gone to work already?" You said, "no today is my day off" Bangchan replied without looking up at you, "yay! That means we get to spend the whole day together!" You said excitedly, "yeah!" He replied turning to look at you, when he saw you he had a shocked look on his face, that's when you realized that you hadn't put makeup on yet because you thought Bangchan had already gone to work, he had never seen you without makeup. You tried to cover your face but your hands were pulled away by Bangchan's and then he cupped your face with his hands. "I'm sorry.....I'm ugl-" "beautiful" you were cut off by Bangchan "you are beautiful" you gave Bangchan a shocked look because you had always thought you were ugly without makeup, "you don't have to lie" you said while trying to hide your face again, "I'm not lying, your are the most beautiful person I have ever seen in my life, I thought you were pretty with makeup but you are even more beautiful than I could've ever imagined" he replied. When you tried to hide your face again, he pulled your hands up to his lips and kissed them both gently, then he cupped your face with his hands again and kissed you gently. "I am so happy to have a beautiful girlfriend like you" he said after pulling away. You suddenly became shy and looked away trying to hide your blush covered face but he pulled your face back and kissed you again. "Breakfast?" He asked after pulling away "I'd love that" you replied and gently placed a kiss on his cheek.

Thanks for reading <3

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