-twenty two-

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"So, your boyfriend is finally leaving you alone." Haera nudged Jihye as she realised they were no longer being shadowed by Enhypen.

"Well, he said he just wanted to see me for a while."

"How cute."

"Bleh. Now, where do you want to go?"

"I need a new dress. My parents are going to this function for all the rich people and they're bringing me and my brother along."

"They're bringing Hae Joon along?"


"Are they sure that's a good idea?"

"Nope. But it's even worse if we leave him home alone."

"You could babysit."

"Babysit my 14 year old brother? Hell no. And my dad wants me to start making connections because I might take over the company in the future."

"But you want to be a detective."

"Hey, I can't have everything in life. This shall be a trade-off then."

"Of your literal aspiration? That's nuts."

"Well I am nuts. Thought you knew."

"Yeah, I do. Now, where to go shop for your dress?"

"Just follow me. Ooo we can get you a dress for prom too."

"I don't want to go to prom."

"Well, then you'll go on a date with Jungwon and you'd need it." Jihye quickly put her hands over Haera's mouth and looked around. Haera rolled her eyes and shoved her hand away.

"Chill, there's not many people here. And do you know how many people are named Jungwon?"

"Okay, fair enough. But still, don't talk so loud."

"Kay. Now let's go."

And minutes later, Haera was trying on different dresses while Jihye sat on a couch, texting Jungwon.

"How's this?" Jihye looked up to see her friend wearing a velvety red spaghetti-strap dress that reached her mid-thigh.


"Should I wear this or the more dainty one."

"Up to you. Depends on how you're feeling."

"Then I'll get this. I like the colour." Haera smiled as she posed around while observing herself in the mirror.

"Okay." Jihye returned to chatting with Jungwon, a smile constantly visible on her face.

"Now, we shall choose a dress for you." Haera turned to Jihye, only to find her best friend smiling at the phone. She rolled her eyes.

"Shall we get your dear boyfriend to help you choose a dress?" Haera teased Jihye, who finally looked up from her phone.

"Why do I need a dress?"

"Ugh just give it." And Haera took her phone before starting a video call. Panicking, Jihye covered the screen with her hand.

"Sweetheart? What's going on?"

"Uh, give me a sec." And Jihye snatched the phone away and ran to a corner of the store to answer the call, face all red. Haera just watched and giggled as her best friend became a nervous wreck in front of her boyfriend.

"Sorry, Haera just pressed call. Anyways, she wants you to uh, help me choose a dress." Her cheeks flushed even redder, if it was possible. Jungwon chuckled.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now