Definition of a Hero

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It was a nice sunny day in the Soo's garden.

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, such a lovely day to have a relaxing day off—


—Or maybe not.

"For goodness sake..."

Exhaling heavily in exasperation, Rok Soo dragged his feet along the floor, pulled a shirt on, and walked out the door. Then he sees the two of his lovers on top of each other, in a very suspicious pose which only gets even more awkward as they stare back at him.

They stare...

And stare...

And just keep staring...

Until Rok Soo finally blinked and just turned his back, attempting to get back to the house, not looking behind at all.

"AJSdhKJSHDK! Oiii! don't just leave, Rok Soo!!"

A very on-brand cry was heard from the brunet, and in all honesty, Rok Soo was wondering if he should make a run for it to his beloved bed, his refined senses after all the time he spent with his lovers are screaming at him to do it.

"Rok Soo-ah! it's not like what you think!"

The two who were scrambling on their feet now chased after their youngest who's almost using his Boosting power to speed up his pace despite it was not a life-threatening emergency—

'No, actually, scratch that, my day off can be in danger at this rate!'

He is not going to spend his hard-earned break listening to one of his husbands' fake whining and the other one being somewhat equally loud despite having good intentions for it.

It's not that he's annoyed, but more like how much he craves this lovely resting time, he just wants to sleep, can't he get it??

So, with his boosting power, he used one of his most dangerous techniques, Instant, just to get to his room and lock it shut so that those two won't get to him and maybe by some miracle would even leave him alone for the rest of the week... which is less than 48 hours now, really.

'Thank goodness for these abnormal powers.'

Although the three of them are now retired from their hero agency, there are times like this when Rok Soo truly appreciates the usage of his superpower for daily chores.

Granted, his power is the type that has immediate recoil which makes his whole skin littered with scratches now. But well, just as Francis Bacon and Nelson Mandela said, "knowledge is the most powerful weapon".

Rok Soo, being the logical person that he is, now has a deep understanding of the very root of his power.


His power is not necessarily 'speed' as some people initially thought, the root of his power is to increase the ability of something that's supposed to be normal.

It's almost like Joo Ho-Shik's power, although, unlike that madman who's somehow obsessed with white despite how he keeps getting blood on his outfit, Rok Soo's ability could not reach out to other people.

He can heal himself, enhance his memory, make himself move faster, or even have a faster train of thought. However, his ability is limited to one thing at a time, and it has only worked on himself.

Which is why he's still getting hurt from using Instant although logically speaking he can enhance his body to have thicker skin while running a mile in one second.

Not that it matters much most of the time since he can heal himself once the situation is stable enough for him to do so. Like how he is right now.

Locked inside his own bedroom, at peace within his own space—

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