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Author's Pov............

"Master let me drop you home" Korn said he was showing him the way out of the house.

"It's Ok Korn I can manage don't the way thank you so much for saving me that day......I would've died there if you didn't arrived at time....... Thank you so much Korn" Nanon said remembering that time when he collapsed there.

They both went towards Korn's car and drove away from Chittsawangdee's Mansion.



After Ohm left..... Nanon fell on his knees and started to wept bitterly...... then suddenly blood start flowing from his nose he tried to wipe it with his handkerchief...... but blood was not stopping then his vision start getting blurry..... and he fell on the floor.

And the person who was watching  and listening them secretly..... was none other than Korn. He immediately ran towards him panicked...... he quickly picked him up in his arms.... and took him to the nearest hospital.

At The Hospital..........

Nanon was laying on the hospital's bed.... while Korn was sitting beside him on the chair fidgeting.

"I'm Ok now Korn stop worrying about me" Nanon said chuckling lightly he ruffled Korn's hair softly.

"Why are you suffering alone......let that bastard know.... that he is not the only one..... who is in so much pain alone..... go and tell him how much you sacrifice for him and how you suffered alone" *sniff* Korn said crying hugging Nanon tightly burying his face on his chest.

" silly big brother.... sometimes I doubt whether you are older than me..... or younger than me" Nanon said laughing at him while patting his head.

After that incident where Nanon rejected Ohm brutally......he immediately ran towards his room but..... he didn't noticed that Korn was also following him from behind........he heard everything why his young Master rejected his bestfriend.

He wanted to tell Ohm whole truth but..... Nanon stopped him and told him not to tell him about this.......and at that time Korn had nothing left except to keep his mouth shut.......and he also knows about Nanon's health issue.


On The Other Hand.........

A girl was standing infront of a large mirror admiring her beauty..... then a man came from behind while circling his arm around her shoulders kissing her head tenderly.

"Congratulations darling...... finally your are going to marry your dream man soon" said the man smiling at her through the mirror.

"Thank you Dad......but without your help I can't be able to get him" said the girl blushing hiding her face on her father's chest.

"Come on Tu anything for my only daughter.....but I must say that you choose a perfect man for you.......Ohm is a great buisness man and the most handsome too" Mr. Pete Tawan said feeling proud of his daughter's choice.


Author's Pov.................

"Dad why did you bring me here I'm getting bored now......I just wanna go and watch a flick head is aching so much" Tu said with bored expressions showing tantrums.... she and Mr. Pete Tawan was attending a conference hall meeting...... whole conference hall was waiting for Chittsawangdee's.

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