Your flesh will fail you. Even if you skin steal.
I will never perish, not even if my flesh falls. At the end of the day, I can never die, not unless my victim kills themselves. I will steal skin until the end of life, whenever that may be, no matter if the skin depletes or not.
You will suffer until your brain rots from Alzheimer's.
I yearn for the day I can leave this earth, leave the pain and torment behind. I suffer every day in this body that craves skin. I suffer every day, knowing my victims will eventually live and fail to die. I pray for the moment I succeed in my victim doing their deed. Although I always forget the moments of the past, my body never forgets the pain I've always had. My eyes weep throughout night, hoping to never see the light of day
My ears burn every minute, every moment and every second, wishing to be deaf to the screams outside.
My mind wishes to not believe the voices inside, but yet they cry and lie.
Oh when, will I have finally ĐłɆĐ?