chapter 1- The kidnapping

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The picture attached is basic information about Connor


"Samantha come on were going to be late for school!" I shouted while grabbing my backback from the table.

I didn't want to be late for the first day of my senior year. My name is Connor Bradley.  I'm 18 years old with  Sandy blonde hair. I play football at Great oaks high school. I'm a average    b-c  student. My parents died in a car crash last year I had just turned 17 a few weeks earlier on the 21st.

I shook my head violently for a second saying to myself  do not think about the crash over and over until I heard Samantha coming down the stairs with her backpack on her shoulders and her long curly hair looking tamed.

"Took you long enough" I said when we closed the front door.
"Shut up" she said smacking my arm "I have to look good for Jackson"

"You don't have to dress up you know. You should be dressing for yourself not some boy" I grumbled underneath my breath.
I'm not sure if she heard me or not. We got into the car and I backed out of the driveway.

It was silent for the first 5 minutes to school. Or it was until I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Sam" I said glancing at her for a quick second.

I got no response "Sam!" I said a little louder finally catching her attention.

"What?" She said while texting really fast.
"Turn on the radio please. Who are you texting anyway?" I said already knowing the answer

"Jackson" she set her phone down "his parents want to meet me"

"Oh really? Well don't be to nervous when you meet them" I said in a teasing voice.
"Shut up Connor!" She shrieked " your gonna end up jinxing me" 

I laughed " well it couldn't be any worse than how mom met dad's parents"

"True" she said going back to texting like crazy. Leaving mein thought.

You see when my dad's parents wanted to meet mom she dressed up really nice but when she went inside the house her dress got caught in  the doorway ripping the bottom to where you could see her underwear. His mom laughed and quickly helped her out of the room. They were later inseparable. Always doing something together. So it was really hard on their friendship when grandpa Luke passed away.

My thoughts were interrupted by a dark SUV that has suddenly swerved in front of me. I jerked the wheel trying to gain control, but I hit a pole in the process. It took me a couple seconds to recover from what just happened.

I checked Samantha as soon as I did I noticed her head was bleeding ,but that was all the damage I could see. I got out to go to the other side to check the total damage when I felt something cold against my neck.

"Stay right there or I will put a bullet in your neck" a man said from behind me. I swallowed hard and said in a shaky voice "what do you want from me"

"Oh you know what I want" he said in a low voice.

I thought of Samantha and how she meant the world the world to me. What would she do without me we were all we had left. With that I lifted my legs and kicked him in the balls. He groaned in pain as he let go of me immediately. I then swung my arm and hit him hard.

I ran to Samantha's door got her out the best I could without hurting her more than she was already hurt. I heard a gunshot go off to my right and I noticed I was surrounded by men in black.

"What do you want" I said trying my best to act brave.

They said nothing out of the corner of my eyes I saw one of them take out his gun" I hope you go to hell boy" he said before he fired the gun several times.

I fell to the ground holding my dear sister for life. I could not lose her she was the only family member I had left.

 "get the girl already so we can please the boss" one of them said in a gruff voice. I felt arms trying to grab her I held on as tight as I could but they eventually  pulled her away.

"No" I shouted as I lurched up to grab her but couldn't from the pain in my body. The last thing I saw was Samantha being carried away and the dark SUV speeding off. I layed there thinking about how pathetic I was I couldn't even save my own sister the only family I had left.  Sobbing I blacked out with one thing on

my mind: Samantha


I was sitting at the kitchen table last night thinking if the title was a good one then today BAM! I have a new story I hope you like it the beginning may seem violent at first but you will see what happens in the next chapter :)

im putting the story on this account and the other one me and Alyssa share.

there is the link please share this story around I would really appreciate it.

Much love babes,

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