-twenty three-

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"Jihye, there's a delivery for you." Alicia said as Jihye entered their homeroom. She removed one side of her earbuds and walked to her desk without a hint of emotion. On her desk lay a pillow-like package with a pink envelope on top of it. It was sealed with a red heart.

Everyone had either turned from their seats or gathered around to observe Jihye. She calmly placed her bag down then proceeded to open the package. Inside was a folded grey hoodie that seemed way too big for her.

"Ooooo. What?" Soo In was confused by a random hoodie being sent to Jihye.

"Read the letter." In Ha pointed to the envelope. Jihye carefully opened it and started reading it silently. But of course, Alicia loved to make a production out of everything and recited it out loud.

"Hey sweetheart, I don't know if I can be there on Saturday, so here's my hoodie in advance. I'm sure you'll love it ;) Anyways, you can return it to me whenever you want. I have many more hoodies you can wear. Love you <3

- your kittykat"

"Oh my gosh, you have a boyfriend? Since when? And why didn't you tell us!?" Alicia shook Jihye by the shoulders. Her face was completely red.

"Uh, we just started dating not long ago... So yeah..."

Why must this Yang Jungwon make a production out of everything???

"Are you going to wear it?" Soo In asked.

"Yeah of course." But before she could grab the hoodie, Yura grabbed it and sniffed it.

"Hm, smells quite nice. Who's your boyfriend?" Yura smirked, knowing exactly what she was implying by asking that. Jihye saw red and did something she never had the courage to do before.

She snatched the hoodie back before kicking Yura's leg with all the strength she could, making Yura fall down in pain.

"Why? Do you want to seduce him and take him from me? Just saying, that won't work. He has a good moral compass. Also, this is a new low, even for you. Seriously, don't throw your dignity away just to annoy me. It makes you look like a pathetic fool." And Jihye left the classroom with the hoodie, simultaneously plotting a little revenge prank for that coming Halloween.

"Wow. You know, Yura, this is why no one ever liked you." Alicia said before she returned to her seat, helping Jihye keep the letter before Yura tore it.

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my sweetheart❤️

my boyfie🥰
yes darling?

my sweetheart❤️
thanks for the hoodie <33

my boyfie🥰
your welcome <33

my sweetheart❤️

my boyfie🥰

do u not like it?

my sweetheart❤️
no i love it

idk im just angry

my boyfie🥰
at me?☹️☹️

my sweetheart❤️
no no

this girl

uk that girl i told u abt

my boyfie🥰

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now