5th Period

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[Leeland's point of view] 

I nudge my locker closed and the strap to my lunchbox got entangled in it. I pushed forward and fell backward. 

"Ouch." I winced in pain. I see a hand appear in my face and I notice who it is. The one and only Forest Squirrel. Or what Avani calls him "Pipsqueak." I think thats cute.

I grab their hand and he lets go causing me to fall to the floor. Bruising my arm slightly. He laughs and strolls off to divert back to his gang. My face flushed with a light red tone, I push myself up and grab my lunchbox. Avani meets me at the door and greets me with a wide smile and an abrubt hug. I hug her back with a tear rolling down my eye due to her grabbing my arm.

"Did you get my text?" Avani shouted a little too loud.

"No... I'm sorry." I responded.

She shoved her phone in my less red face and I scan her phone with my eyes.


I smile at her. I'm am granted with releif. 

"I'm so happy!! WAIT lemme see it..?" I exclaimed.

I glance at it and mine aswell. We have the same schedule. We have had they same schedule since the first time I ever met her, though I know it may be hard for her to get used to this one. I think we will both feel better.

Lunch ends, I carry both of our lunchboxes and set hers by her locker. I walk to the restroom and meet Forest as he washes his hands. He blows me a kiss and laughs. 

"Bye Fag!" He shouted.

He has never gotten caught bullying anybody. I HATE him. He started bullying me ever since two years ago. He constanly reminds me that Avani is too good for me so I should "stick to boys". Whatever that means.

I wash my hands and swiftly walk out to get to my next class. Study hall, then history, my favorite. Well not my favorite teacher. I dont learn much in that class but the teacher is quite chill. Though he is a creep, he has always winked at Avani. I never got any looks though. Im not really a liked student. 


I sit next to Daksh whilst he is still finishing his lunch. Not slyly at all. 

"CAN YOU NOT CHEW IN MY EARS" I shout with a giggle. 

He laughs in response and chews a little louder and in my face. I point my two fingers at me then him. 

"I'm not playing" I whisper. I draw a penis on his paper and he yells at me. I laugh and get back to my studies about the Revolutionary war. Im not too fond on this topic. Because I dont care much about American history. Torture and disease interests me the most. 

I hear the door squeak and I see Avani's pretty face peer through. 

"Is Leeland in this class Mr.Stutton."

"Yes he is, Im guessing you need him Miss Squirrel."


'She talks too formaly to teachers' I thought.

"Go ahead, take him." He winks. 

I give him a quick death stare and walk out shutting the door. 

"IM SO SORRY." Avani cries.

"What? WHAT?" I reply

"My brother is such a terrible person and- and he..."

I hug her a give her a quick peck on the forhead. She looks up at me a wipes a tear on her shirt. 

"You aren't him. You can't control him. Don't worry about it, im used to it."

"But you shouldn't have to be used to it."

"ehh" I groan. "Its whatever." I nod to her signaling her to go back to class.

"If it bothers you that much then call me after school."


I walk off the bus and rest on a tire swing next to my mailbox. 'He's cute though' I though daydreaming about Forest. I lay down and plant my head on the side of the tire. My eyelids get heavy and I pass out.

[Mother's perspective]

"Honey come down, tell me about school!" I shout. "Marley where is he?"

"I don't know." Marley says barely paying attention. 

"Go upstairs and check on him for me will you?"

Marley comes down with Leeland's flute and blows through it surrounding the metal with saliva.

"MARLEY" I Yell. "Put it down, you know you aren't supposed to have that." I sigh.

[Reader's perspective]

Mother forgets about her efforts to find Leeland and gets back to the kitchen stirring her "kitchen sink" soup. Marley's most liked dish, aswell as Leeland's least liked dish. 

Leeland wakes up and notices its late. Sunset exactly. He scurries in the house and Mom hugs him with displeasure.

"Where have you been?" Mom questioned.

Leeland was too tired to talk so he decided to point his lengthy arm towards the tree. He stammers upstairs into his cluttered room where he stays for the rest of the night on a voice call with Avani and Daksh. With Daksh making the occational "that's what she said" jokes whilst Avani replies with a few "shut ups" following with lots of giggles. They all fall asleep nearly at the same time. Daksh of course falling asleep last. 

[Leeland's point of view] 

I wake up from a dream, me and forest having a kiss. I slap myself back to reality, stinging slightly and slide my feet off of my bed. My arm hurts. I peel back my sweaty shirt and see a purple bruise the size of a golf ball. My eyes widen and I complain to myself, touching to see how much it really hurts. I check the time. I have only slept for three long, drowzy hours. My head feels dazed. 

I stand up quickly and fall back to my bed, my muscles are cramped. I wake my mom up with a call and she brings me ice and a heating pad.

"Use one" She strictly said. "Apply the ice when it hurts too much from the heat. Don't let the ice touch direct skin and..." 

"I know I know..." I interupted. "Thank you." She kisses my cheek and shakes her head smiling. 

"Love you brother bear" She whispered then proceeded to tickle me. 

"Im too old for thi-" I shouted loudly.

I giggle. She waves by to me and puts together both of her hands symbolizing me to go to sleep. I accept her suggestion and fall back asleep quickly. 'Goodnight gay thoughts'.

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