4. I won't fell weak.

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Hello people! So there will be a little change in pattern of writing. It will be in English language completely. Hope it will be more comfortable. I will try to edit previous parts accordingly, If possible.

Hope it will be comfortable now. Kindly support please. 30 votes atleast. Not a big number.

Enjoy reading 🌸

Minutes dragged like an eternity, and their leader approached with a disdainful smirk plastered across his face. Rage ignited within me, burning like an inferno. I yearned to not only wipe that insufferable smirk off his face but also to cleave his arrogance into countless pieces. Captivity could not subdue the fiery spirit that surged within me. With every fiber of my being, I vowed to rise above their malice, reclaim my freedom, and defy their expectations.

"Hahaha... Look at that! Princess Nandini, now under our control. Keep the warrior princess locked in her room and this commander's son as well; we'll deal with them after meeting the crown prince."

The touch on my upper arm sent a jolt through my body, and my instinctive reaction was immediate. "Don't even think of touching me. I am the princess of this kingdom."

"Princess? Huh... you are nothing more than a slave now, a pathetic, slutty slave," the enemy sneered, reveling in his vile taunt.

Anger surged within me, and I refused to let his degrading words break my spirit. Despite the vulnerability of my situation, I stood tall, ready to defy them with unwavering determination. I may be a captive, but I am a warrior, a princess of valor, and my worth is not defined by their contemptuous labels.

I glanced at Virat Dada, who was being held captive as well, and saw his eyes burning with the same indomitable resolve. We might be trapped in their clutches, but our spirits remained unyielding. In the face of adversity, we would fight, we would resist, and we would never surrender our dignity.

In the depths of my heart, I silently vowed that no matter what they threw our way, I would not let their taunts tarnish the legacy of my ancestors. Our strength and courage, passed down through generations, would endure, even in the darkest of times. And one day, when the tables turned, they would witness the true might of a warrior princess, rising from the ashes to reclaim her rightful throne.

I was roughly pushed back into my room, where I had spent my entire life as a princess, cherished like the most precious gem of my empire. As I looked around, memories of my childhood with my brothers and father flooded my mind, and tears welled up in my eyes. I felt utterly drained, emotionally and physically exhausted. Sitting on the bed, I gently caressed the cushion, seeking solace in the familiarity of my room.

Suddenly, a forceful blow landed on my face, jolting me awake from the peaceful afternoon nap I was savoring.


"What kind of princess are you? Is there no limit to your laziness, Nandini? You call yourself a warrior? Is this how warriors behave? Get up now, it's time for your combat training. Come on!"

"Bharaata, couldn't you have woken me up with love? You hit my face so hard, it felt like my nose was going to break!" I protested, my voice laced with pain and frustration.

But he showed no mercy, no understanding. It seemed like he took pleasure in breaking me down, in shattering any semblance of warmth or affection. The relentless demand for perfection, the harshness in his tone, left no room for vulnerability. As a princess and a warrior, I was expected to be strong, fearless, and invulnerable. Yet, the weight of expectations felt suffocating, like a heavy armor I couldn't shed.

Deep down, I yearned for a moment of tenderness, a gesture of love and care amidst the rigors of my training. I longed for the understanding that I, too, was human, with emotions that could be bruised, even if I tried to conceal them behind a facade of bravery.

In this world of war and duty, I struggled to find a balance between being a fierce warrior and a compassionate soul. But perhaps, one day, I would learn to embrace both aspects of myself, to become a warrior with a heart that remains open, unafraid to feel and love amidst the battles of life.

"Nandini... haven't you prepared yourself yet? It's time for combat training." said Harsh while entering the chamber.

"Jeshth bharaata (elder brother)... You know this inhuman being broke my nose," I whined like a baby. But my brother, standing right next to me, seemed to have no mercy in his blood. He firmly pulled my ear and said, "Brother, I just woke up the goddess of laziness and bestowed upon her the amazing title of 'sleeping beauty' in the most incredible way. I must say, I did a great job since even the roar of a lion couldn't wake up the princess."

Before I could complain further, I heard a chuckle escape from my eldest brother's mouth. Just as I was about to utter nonsense, he ended the conversation, asking us to get ready and reach the practice field downstairs, as we were already running late. Then, he left the room with my brother Abhimanyu, settling the entire matter.

As memories flooded my mind, a bittersweet smile tugged at my lips, and my eyes brimmed with tears, yet I refused to let them fall. "I'm getting weak, jeshth bhraata (elder brother). I am getting weak today. I can't fight them... I can't. How will I, brother? How will I?" My voice trembled with pain and desperation. "He is the man I loved. He is the man I admired. How can I fight him? HOW CAN I? How can Manik Pratap Singh be so cruel to wage a war against us? He loved me. We were deeply in love, so why? Why did he betray me, brother? Why?"

The emotions inside me surged, and I wanted to scream, to let the turmoil consume me, but I couldn't. Love, they say, weakens the strongest of hearts, and today, I bore witness to that truth, with Manik as the cause. Yet, amidst the pain, my determination burned fiercely. My love for my brothers and my kingdom would become my armor, and I swore to seek revenge. It was a solemn pledge etched in my heart. This wasn't the time to be weak. I brushed away the tears, and with unwavering resolve, I stood tall before the mirror, locking eyes with my own fiery reflection.

To my brothers, who defied the norms of the kingdom and taught me the art of war, making me one of the strongest warriors in the realm, I vowed not to falter. Today's failure would not define me, for tomorrow would be a new battle. Your sister won't weaken, my dear brothers. Manik Pratap Singh, mark my words, you will regret this war for the rest of your life. The fire within me would blaze brighter than ever before, fueled by love, determination, and the thirst for justice.

Hope you find it better. Trying my best to improve.
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