Stuck In My Head

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Dean's P.O.V.

The Winchester stepped through the halls effortlessly, nobody daring to get in his way. He kept his eyes to the floor, so everyone knew not to interrupt him.

He was thinking about Castiel, the way he slipped through his fingers so easily. Sure, Dean may have just met him, but he felt differently about him than every other guys in this school.

Guys questioned their sexuality because of Dean, but now is it happening to him?

The Winchester's question was left unanswered when he noticed Crowley at the usual table in the corner, waving his hand at Dean and shouting his name to try to get his attention. Dean smiled and walked towards him, trying to take his mind off of Castiel.

"Hey man! I haven't seen you in forever!" Crowley exclaimed. Dean rolled his eyes and sat down on the opposite side of him.

"Crowley, it's been a week. Remember the party at Ash's place?" He said, laughing at Crowley as he tried to remember, a sudden look of humor spreading across Crowley's face.

"Dude, I was so high that night," Crowley and Dean burst into laughter as Jo and Ash joined the table.

"What are you chuckle-heads laughing about?" Jo asked, sitting down next to Dean. She took turns glancing at each of us before Crowley answered, still in a fit of laughter.

"Ash's party last week, remember?" Ash shared a proud look before joining in with the rest of the group and laughing.

The laughs dimmed down until they were all just smiling and eating their food - all except Dean, whose mind went right back to Castiel.

Anna joined the table and looked around at all of us before breaking the silence. "So, have you guys seen that new kid, Castiel Novak?" Dean's head shot up at the mention of Cas' name.

Jo laughed a little. "Well, someone has," she said. Dean's face got hot and he looked down at the table before regaining control of himself.

Jo leaned in towards Anna and asked, "Is he cute?"

"Very," Dean blurted out. Everybody's head turned towards Dean, and they looked at him with confused expressions, some even looking amused.

"I have to pee," Dean said quickly, running towards the men's restroom.

Castiel's P.O.V.

The young Novak pulled his knees even closer to his face when he heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the restroom. He was hiding in the last stall of the bathroom so he wouldn't have to go to lunch.

He didn't want to see Dean there.

It would break his heart.

The door opened with a loud bang and he closed his eyes tightly, thinking that maybe it would protect him from whoever was in the bathroom with him.

"Shit, shit, shit." Castiel opened his eyes just slightly as he processed the voice he had just heard, trying to identify who it was when he realized it was the one and only,

Dean Winchester.

Cas wanted to be sure, so he bent over to look under the stall, expecting to see Dean's boots, when he slipped off the toilet seat and onto the cold tile floor. He let out a grunt and held his head in his hands.

"Hello?" He could hear Dean say over the echoing sounds of his boots on the floor. And before he knew it, the stall door swung open, and Dean ran in, pulling Cas' face out of his hands, and letting out a shaky breath. "C-cas?"

Dean's P.O.V.

'He was in here the whole time?' Dean thought as he tried to comfort Castiel, but his hand was left hanging when Cas pulled away.

"Cassie-" The Winchester tried again, thinking Cas just didn't know it was him. But he was interrupted by the tears of Castiel.

"Don't call me that!" Castiel was shaking now. Dean's eyes became foggy as he looked at the poor suffering boy that sat in front of him.

"What did I do to make you hate me?" Dean was getting angry. He just wanted Castiel to like him. Maybe even as more than just a friend. No, stop it, Dean.

"I-I don't hate you Dean.. I hate myself," Castiel explained, still crying. "I'm scared you'll hate me too." The young boy looked up at Dean, his cheeks stained with tears.

Dean took Cas in his arms and pulled him onto his lap, still sitting on the tile flooring in the bathroom stall. Dean held Cas until the boy's tears cleared away and his breathing returned to normal. Castiel was clutching Dean's shirt, hiding his face in the crook of Dean's neck.

"It's going to be okay, Cassie," Dean whispered into Cas' ear, holding the boy just a little tighter as he did.

'Maybe this year is going to be different,' Dean thought, closing his eyes. He wasn't going to let Cas slip through his fingers again.

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