-twenty four-

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"You made it!" Jihye exclaimed happily in a hushed tone as Jungwon slipped into the locker room that Saturday.

"Yeah. I said I'd find the time." Jungwon chuckled before he pulled her into a hug. Jihye's cheeks heated up as she snuggled into his chest, while he snuggled his face in her neck, closing his eyes and savouring the comfort she brought.

"Is something wrong?"

"No. I just want to hug you. I've been very tired these few days."

"I know you're practicing hard for your debut, but can't you guys take a break?" Jihye frowned, annoyed with the way the company was treating the group. Jungwon chuckled and lifted his head.

"I wish we could, sweetheart. But it seems that we can't. Don't worry, I know how to take care of myself."

"You said it. You better eat 3 meals a day, plus snacks." Jungwon giggled and nodded, snuggling into Jihye's embrace again. They stayed like that for a while.

"Oh right, what happened that night of the video call though?"

"Oh." Jungwon lifted his head again. "Heeseung hyung came. He knows."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah. He's keeping it a secret though. I'll tell my members soon though, that is, if you're fine with it."

"Yeah I'm cool with it."

"Mhm okay. But.... maybe for these few weeks I want to keep this to myself."

"That would be nice." Jihye smiled.

"Yeah. Right, where's my hoodie? Are you wearing it today?"

"Yeah. It's in my locker." Jungwon nodded.

"What's going on with that girl in class?"

"Oh, nothing much. I just ignore her."

"Is she a kpop fan?"

"Yeah she likes you. Like, idolises you."

"Oh gosh..."

"But too bad for her, her idol is taken."

"By the person she hates the most."

"I swear if you keep siding with her, I will ignore you for a day."

"How am I siding with her?"

"You keep making me seem like the bad person here."

"But what if you are the villian here?"

"Bye I'm going back to work." Jihye unwrapped her arms around Jungwon and turned to leave.The boy just chuckled and pulled her back into his embrace.

"Don’t go, I need hugs. This week has been quite hellish." Jungwon murmured softly. Jihye didn't say anything and just patted his back, as she let him snuggle his face in her neck.

A knock on the door interrupted them, and Jihye flew into panic mode. Glancing around, she dragged Jungwon to a corner of the room where the lockers could hide him, then she went to open the door to see Heeseung.

"Uh, how may I help you?" Jihye asked, hiding her nerves.

"I'm looking for my friend."

"Hey hyung." Jungwon poked his head out from behind the locker. Jihye turned around and froze, alarmed, as Jungwon made his way to them.

"Why are you here?" Heeseung asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"You know the girl I was talking to on the phone?"

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now