New Kid

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Hi,my name is Dimond and here's how my love began,I was walking with my friends to school.We were all in the same class.Our teacher anounced that there is a new student.We all waited,five seconds later he came in.When we both saw each other it was love at first sight.I was very lucky he sat right next to me. My friends Molly,Alaxa,Sapphire and Ellie saw that the new student and Me were made to be together. Our teacher Mr.Morgan asked the new student to tell the class what his name was.I could tell that he was embarrased to say his name and it tured out his name was a youtuber 's.'My name is iballisticsquid.' All the girls acted  dramtic because he was hansome and all the girls loved him,but I knew he loved me.

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