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Italy's POV:

   "Everybody calm down! I said I'm going to do my best and investigate!" EU yelled trying to shut down the voices rising in the room starting arguments or whimpering. The others were only staring at me, most of them showing anger into their eyes.
   I didn't bother to defend myself anymore, it's been 3 hours since we are arguing about this. I tried to keep my mind off and just zone out, then I saw Greece in the corner alone. I stared at him, without even blinking trying to discover what was he thinking about. Is he going to hate me too now? I know I'm in big trouble... And I don't understand who could have done that, because I didn't do it. I could never even watch one of my brother's suffer and it hurts like a sword is stabbing my heart when I see Portugal's and Romania's hate staring at me, and what hurts me more is that they believe it's true that I murdered Spain. I won't disagree with them, it's true he was found in my basement, having my chains around his neck, but I did NOT do it.
    Suddenly Greece looked back at me, I noticed something on his expression... It was empathy. He is on my side.
    "Italy, leave the room, go home please." EU mumbled "The tension between them and you it's getting worse, and I don't want fights now"
    "But do you think I actually did that?" I asked without hesitation
    " I never thought you could do that, but the evidences..." Then he stopped. He believes them too. I walked off to the door in silence, then turned back to see everyone again. Romania and Portugal were comforting eachother, Germany and France were discussing and Austria was walking up to EU then said something to his ear and stared at me. They both made an angry face when they noticed me looking at them, then I left.
    I don't think they like me very much anymore...That doesn't really matter. Because I don't really like them, either. I'm going to prove them all they're wrong. Suddenly I heard steps behind me. I stopped walking without even wanting to see who it was.
    "What do you want." I asked arrogantly
    "It's Greece" his familiar voice was tickling my ears. I turned to see him and he was standing behind me without showing any hate or anger, he was only showing pity and comfort. I had a relief moment, when  I realized someone trusts me, especially him.
    "Are you alright? I still believe you didn't do it..." He muttered.
    "What a question" I couldn't control my sarcasm, "no I'm not, everyone thinks I murdered MY OWN BROTHER. Do you think I'm ok?" I let my mouth speak before thinking I'm rising my voice. He looked down
    "I'm sorry... You're right..." He stepped away.
    "No wait- I'm sorry I didn't mean to rise my voice at you, I'm just... Nothing" I tried to get him back
    "I understand, I guess. Do you want to come to my place? I don't think you'll be safe for a while in your  house"
    What did he meant by that? That I couldn't defend myself? I'm stronger than him in every way. He had a point tho, not that I'd not be safe... But the thought of staying alone in the same house I found Spain's corpse is excluded. What else could I do? I don't want to bother him.
I looked into his eyes, and I felt my heart beating faster while seeing his pretty hazel green eyes. I couldn't refuse him.
   "If it doesn't bother you..."
   "Of course not, that's why I asked you. Now come on!" He grabbed my hand without even letting me agree and dragged me after him. While he was taking me after him, I felt good again. I felt relaxed and accepted again, at his soft touch and voice.

   "Make yourself comfortable, Italy" he smiled to me when he sat down on his couch. I sat too.
   "Thank you for everything, Greece. Are you sure it's ok for me to stay here? I really don't want to cause you problems..." I said insecure about my presence here
   "You're welcome, we can go get some of your things later. But now you have to calm down...the loss of your brother must be very painful and you're still in shock" then he giggled "I can see it on your face"
I don't need to calm down, I am already relaxed in his presence. When I'm around him, it feels like the shiny sun after a strong storm dried off every puddle left on the ground.
    "Alright" I nodded trying to hide my excitement.
    After some time I noticed he was quiet, I looked at him and observed he was thinking about something... Something that disturbed him.
   "Greece? What's upseting you?" I asked
   He flinched and looked at me
   "It's nothing... Just thinking about um, it doesn't matter" he quickly tried to hide what he was thinking about.
   "But it is bothering you, come on what is it?"
   "Well... " he hesitated "I think... " then he got interrupted by a ringtone. It was his phone ringing. He picked it up and answered a call. I couldn't hear what was the person talking about, but I struggled to notice it was EU's voice. Suddenly Greece's face turned bright.
   "Thanks god, that's great to hear!" He said.
   What were they talking about?
   "Thanks, I'll tell him don't worry! Goodbye!" He hanged up. "Italy, Spain is alive, he woke up!" Greece announced me.
I felt like fainting. I let myself lean on the sofa more like falling and made a long sigh. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I'm so happy that he was alive, but exhausted of so much stress... He came closer to me and shook his hand in front of my eyes. Oops, I might have scared him.
    "Italy don't pass out- hello?"
    "Yeah yeah sorry- I'm alive, I'm ok" I answered. "I'm just so released now... He's alive, and he's gonna heal" I said while trying not to pass out. He smiled:
   "When he gets better, he's gonna tell everyone you weren't the one who did that horrible thing, come on Italy light up a bit!" He observed. Seeing him so happy made me happy too and I smiled back, holding back my tears then we went silent, just staring at eachother happily.
   "Everything it's gonna be fine" he grabbed my arm then leaned to hug me. I blocked for a second when he hugged me, then I hugged him back.

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