Kiss or Slap

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A ray of sunshine was coming in dark room. The wall was painted gray and the bed was covered with white sheets. on which super star Zhan was sleeping peacefully.

A knock on door disturbed his sleep 😴
Mrs. Jiang came to room with coffee when Zhan saw his mom with coffee he shouted loudly;

Yubin- yubin !

Mrs.Jiang flinched a bit but remained silent. Yubin came running ;

Good morning sir! What happened?

Good morning?? Whenever I see this women's face I feel like suffocated, what is she doing here?

Oh, A-zhan I came here to give you coffee because Yubin was busy. Mrs.Jiang said slowly because she was aware about her son's hate towards her so she just put coffee on the table and went out of room.
Zhan was frustrated so he threw coffee on the floor and went in washroom.

Yubin was worried for him so he called to company for Zhan's schedule.
After some time zhan was on breakfast table with Yubin when His brother Jiang Cheng came and sat down with them.

Yubin pass me butter. Said Cheng.  Yubin was about to pass him when Zhan said,
Why? Don't you have a wife for yourself. Ask her to do your work Yubin is my manager not yours.

Cheng was about to argue back when Mrs Jiang came and serve him food. She also wanted to serve Zhan but he never liked it so because of peace she stopped doing that.

After breakfast Yubin and Zhan left for shooting site.

Yibo was in hospital. He helped Li with his breakfast and then with his savings he managed to pay his treatment fees.

Thank you-thank you so much son you helped us a lot but how I'm supposed to return your money. Because now li is injured so I don’t think he'll be able to work before one or two months. Said li's mom sadly.
Don't worry aunty right now I don't need money and I'm sure Li will be fine soon. Assured Yibo to her. After some chit chat Yibo bid his goodbye and left from there.

Zhan was busy in shooting.
He was wearing a black suit white shirt with bow tie. He was looking perfectly handsome. His scene was playing piano and in the spot light his heroine will come but when scene was shooting He was busy in playing piano when spotlight turned on at the place of heroine there came wang Yibo he was looking here and there in search of Zhan. Finally he found him and went near him. Everyone was confused by Yibo's entry Yubin was about to come but Zhan stopped him ✋️ by hand and looked Yibo with a smirk.

What's your deal here? Need more money for your friend? Compensation was not enough? Or you want something else? I know people like you love to pester rich people for benefits. So what you want.

Look mr. Xiao Zhan let me clear your misunderstanding I am not here for money. I am here to give you this. He gave cheque which was given by Zhan.
Here my friend don't need your money and stop making assumptions about people just your own. You have to apologize to him that's all. Just Because you are famous actor and you have money you can’t buy anyone's life.
Saying that to Zhan Yibo was about to leave when Zhan grab his hand and lean near him.

You know what I am Xiao Zhan the actor and actually I can buy anything including you and your poor friend.

What are you doing leave me. Yibo was struggling in zhan's hand and Zhan was in a rage because first time someone hurted his ego. He was angry enough to burn Yibo alive but he didn’t realise what got into him he kissed yibo infront crew and cameras. Yibo was stunned. He froze at his place Zhan was smirking weirdly and looking him but when Yibo became stable he Slapped Zhan harder enough to make his lip bleed.

Crew was looking Zhan some was smiling because they thought finally someone got courage to punish Xiao Zhan for his rudeness some was shocked and worried however they were well aware about upcoming storm. Yubin came running.

Zhan are you alright?
Zhan didn't say anything. He was looking Yibo like he was his prey.

Look here Mr xiao zhan just because you never met someone who can oppose your bad deeds and rudeness but let me tell you something now I'll go to police to report you as drunk and drive. At first I was thinking you'll say sorry to Li and matter will be solved but now just wait and watch.  Yibo stomped out from there.

Zhan was looking Yibo deeply. Yubin was worried about maybe for Yibo or maybe for zhan.


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