-twenty five-

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time: 00:07, Monday

my boyfie🥰 is requesting a voice call...


"Hey jagi..." Jungwon's saddened voice sounded through the phone. Jihye was instantly worried.

"Jungwon? What's wrong?"

"I.... Uh.... I'm sorry..."

"What? What are you sorry for?" Jihye frowned, confused.

"Uh... Are you uh, free now?"

"Yes, why?"

"I'm.... I'm hungry..." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"Did you not eat?"

"I.... the company.... they're making us diet. They took away most of the ramyeon in our kitchen."

"What the heck? But you guys look fine!"

"They said my cheeks are too chubby."

"No freaking way. Your chubby cheeks are cute."

"They're getting me, Heeseung hyung and Sunoo hyung to diet more. But... we just finished dance prac and we didn't even eat dinner."

"What the heck? Where are you now?"

"In the van with Sunoo hyung and Heeseung hyung."

"You want to come to my house? I have a lot of ramyeon. And spam. Wait no, that's not healthy. Hang on, I'll text you my address and you come quick. I'll cook up something." Jihye scrambled out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.

"You sure you're okay with Sunoo hyung finding out?"

"Yeah whatever. It's a sooner or later thing. You guys need food. Come quick, okay?"

"Okay.... Thanks sweetheart."

"See you in a bit."

"Mhm... See you." Jihye hung up before she started to prepare some ingredients. She checked the fridge and saw some rice that was supposed to be for lunch. But she didn't hesitate to take it out of the fridge to thaw. Next, she got out some cans of tuna, pouring everything into a bowl and mixing it with some mayonaise. She chopped up some green onions and shredded some seaweed. Then she started frying everything together, adding some soy sauce and oyster sauce too.

"Unnie? DID YOU STEAL OUR RICE!?" Jiah rushed into the kitchen upon smelling the aroma from the food.

"I'll buy everyone pasta tomorrow. Right now, I have something I need this for, okay?"

"You could have just asked mom."

"Whatever. Just go."

"Why do you need so much rice now?" Jihye opened her mouth to explain, but the doorbell interrupted her.

"Go get the door." Jiah frowned and listened to her older sister. Seconds later, a loud shriek woke up the remainder of the people living in the house.

"Who screamed?" Their mother rushed out, holding a slipper.


"Jihye, why are you cooking at 12am?"


"Why did Jiah scream?" Their brother, Jisung asked, eyes still closed. Their father took one look to ensure that there was no mortal danger, before returning to his room to go back to sleep.

|| 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 [rewrite] ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now