4 ❦ the man in the window

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The midnight sky was filled with stars tonight. It was beautiful, romantic and astronomical. I was seated at my window seat, with a blanket wrapped around me as I read out of a book. Reading was one of my favorite things to do, it gives me a sense of peace.

My gaze wandered to the large house on the other side of the street, he lives there, Mr Voss. I wondered what he was doing now. He's a mystery, a mystery that I want to get to know all about.

I noticed that Mr. Voss wasn't wearing a wedding ring, so I assumed he wasn't married. He was undeniably handsome, and I imagined he probably had his fair share of admirers.

I watch his window, peeking inside the room above. And there he appeared, Fuck I gasped and my mouth dropped at the sight of his sculpted bare chest, naked filled with a few tattoos. Though I could not make out what they exactly looked like, he did look undeniably hot.

His pants hung low, revealing the hem of his boxers. I bulge my eyes at the vein that ran above from down there...Sweet lord, I have never seen something like this before, a real man, a half naked one. I had only seen such things in the dirty movies on the internet, but in real life it hits so much different.

My legs sqeezed together, a pool of wetness dripped inside my underwear and I couldn't help the sensation that builded up inside the of me.

He didn't notice me, staring at him on the other side of the street through window from my room. It made me feel like I was invading his privacy and I shouldn't be staring at my teacher's bare chest.

Now it was a few seconds later and It seems like his hands pulled at the hem of his pants as he pulled them down. I gasp, holding my mouth and I quickly look away from the window.

He was gonna strip naked well, his boxers were still on but on how much I wanted to see him. My curiosity was at my peak and It was wrong, so fucking wrong. He's a grown man and my teacher. and he wouldn't do the same to me, staring at me from his window as I threw of my clothes, in bare panties and bra. I shook my head burying my face inside my blanket and my face grew warm with excitement, because the thought of it really excited me in the deepest corners of my mind. I sigh, where are my morals, I'm such a dirty girl.

After I did my nightly routine, I heard my mom come home. She slammed the door shut and walked inside the living room with a bag of chinese food. I love chinese food, it's one of my favorites.

"Hi." I say from the dinner table where I was seated as I did my homework.

"Hey, sweetie. Can you grab some plates I have dinner." she asked and threw of her jacket.

Dinner was later than usual tonight; my mom worked long shifts, often bringing home takeaway food when she returned.

Placing the plates on the table, I sat down as my mom unfolded the food packaging. "How was work today?" I asked, trying to show interest.

Her response caught me off guard. "Are you seriously asking me that? I work from 8 in the morning until 11 pm. What do you expect me to say? That I had fun? That I enjoyed helping those old people? No, it was exhausting and terrible!"

I rolled my eyes, frustrated by her tone. She could have expressed herself more respectfully, but it was always the same.

Mom angrily slapped food onto my plate, causing rice to spill onto my lap and the floor. "It's about time you found a job," she scolded, her eyes darkening with frustration.

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