i would never...

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Zoe never thought she would do this. "Me! Cheating! No way!" she repeated to herself.

But... it happened. She couldn't resist, his smell, his eyes and his body. He was perfect.

"No stop thinking about it, you are married and he is Bran's friend". She thought.

Zoe is happily married to the love of her life Bran. Everything was perfect until it wasn't.

Zoe had an abusive childhood. She never dealt with it. She isolated herself from everyone even her husband, the sex became less, no day passes by without her having an anxiety attack, it was a hard time not only for her but also for Bran. He was worried sick so he always tried to convince her to go to therapy to see what is wrong, but she refused each time until one day she started to have suicidal thoughts. That is when she said to herself STOP.

The therapist put her on anti-depressants because of her severe panic attacks. Little did she know the pills will decrease more her sex drive so she and Bran became distant sexually not at all like they used to be, it even started to cause a little bit of tension between the two, but Bran was kind and told Zoe to take her time healing, that he is always here for her.

One day Bran came home happy and smiling, Zoe asked him what happened, he said that one of his closest friends is in town and he is so happy to see him again, so they made reservation for dinner the 3 of them because Bran insisted to introduce Zoe to his friend Noah.

They got ready and went to the restaurant but they arrived pretty early before Noah so they had some drinks and talked. Zoe lifts her head up looking around only to see a muscular gentleman, wearing a nice blue t-shirt with white pants, he had the perfect body, tall, curly hair, his skin flawless and his lips so pink that you will never get tired of kissing them. Zoe felt that the room around her went silent and she could only hear and see that man, she bit her lips and looked away not wanting to be so obvious in front of her husband. However Bran stood up with a big smile on his face and screamed towards that guy "Noah here you are, oh my God I missed you". He then gave him a hug and turned to Zoe saying "Noah this is Zoe my wife, sit sit come on tell me everything".

Zoe and Noah locked eyes for what seemed like forever and he shook her hand. His touch sent shivers down her spine, she was taken away by his presence. The dinner in general went well, Bran and Noah caught up about everything, they talked about the past, and Zoe just sat back and listened to them laughing and enjoying the moment.

The night ended. They all went home, Zoe went immediately to sleep. That night she dreamt of Noah. She woke up happy because what was lost with her sexual drive felt like its back but the problem that it's back for another man.

Even though she know that it is wrong but she couldn't stop thinking about Noah especially fucking him. Each time she tries to remove these dirty thoughts from her head, they grow with each time she sees him and the sexual tension between these two grows with it.

Zoe started replying to his stories on social media whenever she got the chance, she tried to talk to him a little bit from time to time.

One night Bran was sleeping, and Zoe was up daydreaming about Noah, suddenly her phone rang, and there it was a message from Noah saying straightforward "what are you thinking right now?"

Zoe already so wet from overthinking, she could not take it anymore and she answered "about you"

A moment of silence went by she could almost hear her heart beats fast. Another message showed up "what do you mean? Why are you thinking about me?"

- " I feel like I'm attracted to you so much"

'' really? In what way"

- "Sexually..."

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