Leo The Three Legged Horse

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There was a three legged horse called Leo. He was born with three legged, everyone was confused and asking "How can he be born with three leg?"

One day, He and the other foals were having a race. As the race continued, suddenly Leo fell and got hurt. Foals were laughing at him and calling him mean names. One of the foal said "HAHA! You will never able to learn, three legged loser!"

At night, his mom saw him crying, she asked "My dear, why are you crying?"

Leo looked at his mom, and said, "Mom, every foals are making fun of me it's because I have three legs and don't have enough speed to run 'cause of my legs!"

His mom said, "Aww my dear, don't let them get to you, just don't give up until you achieve your goal."

Leo took the advice and the other day he was practicing running. He fell and got up then again fell and got up, he didn't gave up until one the mean foal said "Hey three legged loser! No matter how many times you practice, you'll never able to have enough speed to run!"

As the other foals laughed. Leo was about to gave up but he remembered his mother's advice and ignored the mean foals.

All day Leo practiced. And all day the mean foals were mean to him but Leo didn't care and ignored them as much as he could.

One day, There was competition coming up. It was the best runner foal of the year.

The host of the competition came and said, "Hello folks! We will be having a race where all foals have to participate it if they want to. If any of the foal wins the race, they will be rewarded with a gold trophy and he will be the best runner foal of the year!"

All the foals participated including the mean foals. Leo was scared because if he lost then he won't get to prove the mean foals that he has enough speed to run and will continue to be mean to him. He didn't know what to do so his mother came up to him asked, "My love, why don't you participate it?"

"I don't know mom, if I lose then I'll be a loser forever." Leo said.

His mom looked at him, and said, "Hey, don't say that, and didn't you remember my advice?"

Leo thought about it and finally said, "Yes. I remembered. I'll participate it"

His mom got happy and supported him.

Then the big day came up. The competition. All foals were at the starting line including Leo.

The mean foals said that Leo can't win but he ignored them. As the race started, the foal were running as fast as they could.

Suddenly, Leo fell and got hurt, he thought that he would loose the race but he remembered his mom's advice and got up. He ran as fast as could and didn't realize that the all the foals were behind him running. When he looked back, he was so happy!

Then the race ended, and you know who's the winner? Of course, it's Leo!

As the host gave him gold trophy, the mean foals came and asked "How can you run so fast even though you only have three legs?"

Leo smiled and said, "Well, a wise horse once told me 'Don't give up until you achieve your goal' and I took that advice."

The mean foals asked him to forgive them and he did.

His mother came up to him with the happy tears and joyfully said, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!!!"

Leo said, "Chill mom, and yeah I won because of you"

After 10 years, Leo became the Best runner. He won all the races, never lost, and lived happily with his mom.

So folks, we should never give up until we achieve our goal.
Take care!

By Spirit Vibez

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