Engagement 💍

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...........One Week Later...........

Ohm's Pov.........

Why.....Why God why these days passed so quickly.....I don't wanna marry her....... seriously I'm not a fan of her...... because sometimes she behaves very weirdly around me...... like following me everywhere...... Whenever I look at her.......I always caught her staring at me like a creep.

She always takes care of my uncle......but I know that she is just pretending to be nice infront of him.
She also tried to stick with me.... but I always choose to ignore her presence completely....... that girl is forcing herself on me.

And the one who should have done all this......is ignoring me.... as if I'm a wild animal..... *Sigh*....... and now I'm standing here infront of a large mirror getting ready for my engagement ceremony with her.


"Come in" I said fixing my hairs..... soon my personal driver came inside while bowing his head down.

"Boss like you ordered me.....I bring Nanon's sir family here..... but Nanon Sir was not at home at that time.......his parents said that he is staying.... in his bestfriend's house" Driver said looking at me through the mirror..... making my calm expression immediately turned into an angry one.

"So he is now living with him...... great job Nanon you again managed to break my heart" I mumbled myself fuming I slammed my hands on the table hard......my driver looked at me startled.

"You can go now" I ordered him while trying hard to keep my cool that can be explode anytime.


..............On The Other Hand..........

"Oh God Dew..... when will you learn how to wear a simple tie...... what will you gonna do in future without me" Nanon said scolding him while fixing his tie.

"If you worried about me that much.... alors épouse moi (then marry me)" Dew said smiling pinching his cheeks softly but this time his smile didn't reached to his eyes.

"NOT AGAIN........but tell me one thing are you participating in some kind of competition to be the tallest one or something........I almost mistook you with an Electricity Tower" Nanon said giggling making fun of him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY......A Electricity TOWER.... if I'm that.... then you are also a KITTY.... a WILD ONE.......meow meow..." Dew said equally mocking him while doing an cat action.

"Stop right there you bamboo stick...... I'm warning you.... this is the last time stop calling me with these names" Nanon said angrily chasing him from behind.

"Don't run too much from your small claws kitty....... otherwise you will get tired" Dew said mockingly.... making fun of him laughing at his annoyed face while running from him......but soon his smile fades away.

"Dew......wait I can't breathe I'm feeling dizzy" Nanon said breathing heavily. Making Dew scared he quickly approached him while holding him tightly by his shoulders.

"I think it's getting worse......you sit here I will get you some medicines" Dew said making Nanon sit on his sofa then he walked towards his kitchen.

"Here take this.....it help you to feel better" Dew said giving Nanon some pills and water.

"Take your time Nanon........if you are still feeling uneasy....... it's better not to go there" Dew said worriedly while rubbing Nanon's back gently.

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