33 2 15

"Ugh, are you fucking kidding me?" yn let out a sigh as a red uno skip card is placed down by the blue-haired male.

"And~ I win!" the red-haired girl placed her last card down and jumped up and down frantically. She swiftly grabbed the cards from yn and the blue-haired boy in each hand and began counting.

"Xiao, one, two, three, four cards. Yn, one, two, three..." the girl trailed off. "A lot more than four cards, so yn is the loser," the girl says playfully and starts to clean up the cards

"Hu tao, do I have to do any dare you say?" yn sighed.

"Yes, yn. That's how we've always played games like these" hu tao said cheerfully as she closed the box which held cards. She walked over to the left side of the room and placed the box on a shelf. Hu tao walked back to the two and sat beside yn as she took out her phone.

"Yn, pick a name, Beelzubel or balladeer?" hu tao looked to the h/c-haired person.

"Uh, balladeer I guess? Why?" hu tao signaled for yn to come over. Yn looked over to hu taos phone. It had something about demons and rituals on it.

"Are you seriously going to make me summon a demon?" yn deadpanned at hu tao. The red-haired girl gave a simple nod and continued reading. "Yn this looks promising"

"Ugh fine give me the damn phone" yn spat at hu tao and grabbed the phone from her hands. Yn looked at the phone and found the 'how to summon' section on the creepy website.

Yn read further into the page. Apparently, there is a group called The Fatui in hell, there are eleven harbingers, which are upper ranked fatui members. The harbingers go by code names and ranks. They're ranked by their strength.

Yn just rolled their eyes at this information. They scrolled back up to the 'how to summon' section.

"at twelve to two am and turn off all lights while alone in a bedroom. take red and purple candles and place them in a shape of a heart. take some salt and place it around the candles. the summoner must step into the heart shape and place something of high value to the summoner. they must then write their name five times on that item. The summoner must Draw blood from anywhere on the body and let it drip down onto the candles." yn read the section in a snarky tone.

"Well..." hu tao trailed off. "The website did say you could get anything you wanted if you say your wish it after all the blood shit" the red-haired girl smiled. Yn rolled their eyes and looked at the time.

"It's twelve, I think we should start." yn, hu tao, and xiao got up and went into the kitchen. Xiao grabbed salt from the cabinet while yn opened a cabinet below the sink and grabbed some red and purple candles.

"Hu tao, why did you have so many candles?" yn said as they grabbed more candles.

"Because I like them" hu tao rolled her eyes. Yn turned around and walked to their bedroom as xiao followed. Xiao stopped in front of the bedroom door and handed yn the salt. Yn took the salt from xiao's hands and shut the door.

As the website said, they turned off the lights and placed the candles in a heart shape, and lit them with a lighter from their pocket. They then took the salt and sprinkled it around the candles. Yn looked around the room, they saw a picture of hu tao and their grandfather. They walked to the photo and picked up and pen beside that photo.

Yn began to write their name five times on the front of the photo. Yn took their thumb to their mouth and bit it till they drew blood. As instructed, they let their blood drip down into the heart shape on the ground.

Yn felt a chill down their spine. They couldn't tell if the ritual was working or if it was just cold. Yn sighed and looked at the candles, of course, the flames of the candles were flickering. Yn closed their eyes calmly and tried to think of something they want. Yn felt a cool breeze brush past them after a moment. Yn began to get scared and opened their eyes. They quickly walked to the door.

"You can't leave yet, you haven't even told me what you wanted" an annoyed voice echoed in the room. Yn froze, they did think they would actually summon a demon.

"Wait, I did this only as a joke... I didn't actually want to summon a demon."

"As a joke? No wonder your handwriting is so sloppy, that shit is the worst ritual circle I've ever seen in my life." the voice scoffed.

"I have holy water, a bible, and a cross in the other room. If you don't shut the fuck up I will exorcise you." yn spat at the voice. Yn turned around, only to see a youthful man in the center of the ritual 'circle'

He had short purple hair with a dark purple open-chest kimono laced with red. He had short purple socks with lighting sewn on them.

"pfft– for a demon you're rather tiny" yn laughed at the man.

"I hope you break your fucking neck" he snapped back at yn.

"Just tell me what you wish for, dumbass"his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Yn got lost in their thoughts; wondering what they really want to wish. Of course, the wish has to be worth it.

"Can't I wish for you to go home or something?"

the silence was rather too loud...

"That's so stupid—just wish something, gosh.." the demon shook his head side to side. Yn frowned, they're not sure what they always wanted or desired, even as a kid.

"how is that stupid? don't you miss your home?"Yn asked in curiosity.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MISS HELL? IT'S A LITERAL TORTURE" he replied back, rising his voice. Yn stared at him with a blank face."Sounds like a you problem to me".

At this rate, The Balladeer wished he could slap their face right at the spot. The Balladeer took a deep breath, he needed to stay calm, after all, humans are fragile beings.

"I still wish you to go home" yn crossed their arms, closing their eyes. "Just wish to get rich or something—!"

"I want my wish to be worth it" yn sighed.

"Ugh I guess I'm stuck here then." the balladeer scoffed.


"Because I can't go back unless you wish for something" the balladeer sighed and sat on the bed. Yn rolled their eyes and turn to the door.

"By the way, don't leave this room." yn said to the balladeer and then left the room. Yn walked around a little bit before spotting hu tao and xiao in the guest room.

"Yn!" the red-haired girl got off the bed and hugged yn. Xiao also got up off the bed and stood next to hu tao.

"So did the ritual work?" hu tao beamed and let go of yn. Yn looked around before answering

"Well, yeah it did." yn walked to the bed and laid down.

"I'm going to sleep, xiao you should join me"

"Whatever" the short man rolled his eyes but still got into the bed with yn.

"I'm joining too, don't do anything funny with my sibling." hu tao climbed into the bed and laid down.

Written by: mika
Edited by: ruu, ev

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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