Her Poison

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Derbyshire, England 1843

Late night

         She was smiling at him, her purple eyes gleaming in the soft moonlit room. Her full red lips, being probed by her fangs, she opened her mouth. Nicely manicured hands pulled him closer to her, so her fangs to bite into the soft flesh with the pulsing blood. He sighed deeply, his heart beating hard against his chest.  He leaned into her easily, his arms wrapping around her waist as they laid on the bed.

 Her teeth finally sinking into his flesh, his body trembled and relaxed in her caring hold. He could feel the smile on her lips as she kept drinking his sweet blood. He felt himself shiver again in delight as a moan of pleasure of passion filled him. He clutched at her hair, pulling her, yanking her closer to his neck, wanting more of her sweet poison that filled his bloodstream as she took his blood.

Pulling away suddenly, caused him fall to the bed in disappointment. He stared at her, watching her with his grey eyes curious of what she is planning on doing. Standing up now she stood over the bed and stared back at him. Her lips now stained with blood along with her dripping poison.

Vamprye poison, He thought.

Eyes still on her, he watched as her nail cut into her wrist drawing blood. She came back onto the bed, and said, “Here, drink.”

He looked at her in shock. She did know what will happen if she shared her blood with him after injecting her poison into him didn’t she?  He would become a vamprye too. He looked at the wrist with longing eyes. Licking his lips, he leaned into her licked the bead of blood on her wrist and swallowed. He expected it to be like pleasure too, as he drank from a vamprye. But it wasn’t pleasurable. It was painful. His body started burning. Making him thrash and fall to the floor. His lungs burning with the lack of oxygen, and heart ceasing to a halt he felt his life slowly evaporate.

With a puff of air streaming into his lungs and new poisonous blood in pumping in his heart, he sat up new with life. Eyes scanning the room and his sight turning feline when he heard a faint shuffle beside him making him turn to look up and see her.

“Jaws…”He whispered, his voice raspy.

She smiled ad kneeled down beside him. She wrapped her arms around him. “I’m here, I’m here.” She whispered back.

He held onto her, needing her strength. Feeling the urge to bite her, he nuzzled her neck and inhaled the scent of her lavender smell.

“Go head, Evan. It’s okay.” She said, her hands raking through his hair.

He opened his mouth, his new fangs pressing into his blood filled lips. He pressed the fangs against her neck and slowly sank his teeth into her neck. Feeling his poison suddenly inject into her, he yanked himself away and looked at her. She smiled and placed a hand on his cheek.

“It’s okay. Your venom won’t bother me. You and I are vampryes.” She said.

He swallowed and nodded. He leaned into her once more and took another bite where twin marks marked her now bleeding neck. His tongue sneaked out licking the blood and teasing the flesh on her soft baby doll skin. He drank from her greedily, enjoying the taste of her blood that easily slipped into mouth.

Pulling away having enough, he looked her with gratitude. “Jaws, I-”

“Don’t say anything. It’s fine.” She said putting her finger against his mouth.

He smiled and grabbed that finger. He pressed it against his lips and kissed it. “I love you then.”

“I love you too, Evan.” She smiled and blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2013 ⏰

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