Chapter 1

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If you asked Kim Rok Soo’s teammates, there were few things that would gain a reaction from their stoic team leader because he was an old man ever since he was born.

If you asked Kim Rok Soo, there were few things that would get a reaction from him because he has been through way too fucking much.

Just like now.

He had been in his office, slaving through piles of paperwork, thinking about what he should cook for his niece, and now he was sitting in a huge room, facing a screen. Glancing around, he noted that the room was divided into three sections and he was right in front of the middle one.

'Or rather', he clicked his tongue, 'I am in the fourth section. I guess I am not the only one meeting with the God of Death today.' The slight glimmer of the barrier visible only after intense concentration.

Turning back to the front, he stared at the screen, trying to figure out why the heck had the God of Death (and it definitely was that bastard God) had brought him here when the White Star had already been killed and the Sealed God was, well, even more sealed.

In the middle of his musings, a door in the first section opened and careful footsteps resonated through the hall. Eventually a black haired man, weary looking and covered in signs of conflict entered, and Kim Rok Soo felt a chill running up and down his spine.

'Ah, I should have known nothing good will happen in this place if it's that motherfucking God in control.' Rok Soo leaned back in his seat, hoping the comfortable sofa would swallow him because the man who had just entered was none other than Choi Han, the protagonist of Rok Soo's former world, aka the guy who beat the living crap out of Rok Soo in said former world. The man looked filled with rage and confusion, distinctly reminding Rok Soo of a core memory, and his body twinges painfully from it.

'Where is that bastard Choi Jung Soo when I need him!' Rok Soo swore up a storm internally, not removing his eyes from the other man.

Perhaps his desire to avoid any interaction with the newcomer was heard because Choi Han seemed unable to see him. But Rok Soo couldn't relax yet as more footsteps emerged from the opened door. As people entered one by one, Rok Soo checked the mental list off-

Archmage Rosalyn
Wolf King Lock
King of Roan Alberu Crossman
Cage, the Crazy Priestess
Crown Prince Valentino
Commander Toonka
Chief Harol

And a large population of other powerful looking people soon filled the room, looking around warily, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Your Majesty." Rosalyn* murmured softly to Alberu* as Choi Han* gripped his sword's hilt. Alberu* nodded, mentally checking that all their allies were present.

"This place reeks of the God of Death." Cage* softly informed them, readying her powers in case they were needed.

Everyone was on edge and ready to attack when the opening of the door to the middle section gathered their attention.

Seeing the people who enter this time, Rok Soo wonders if the God of Death had finally decided that he wanted to cease existing. Even if Rok Soo himself did not do anything, from the way things were going, there was soon going to be a guy in their midst who would wreck the God of Death's ass and make sure he suffered a worse end than either the White Star or the Sealed God. Because the people who entered were the people from Kim Rok Soo's current world.

Members of Team 1 which Rok Soo led, other teams, and guild members entered. Rok Soo's gaze sank when he noticed that the number of people was very small compared to the first room, and the people of the second room were all who had a close link with Kim Rok Soo, both former and current.

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