6.Counting slaps

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Cool down Bo-Bo...
Why are you angry? And what happened to your that dialogue - your money can't buy me n all blah blah...you know you already slapped me twice...who do you think you are?

You are just a disgusting person who loves to play with people's life just because of his money and attitude...I wonder how your parents still bearing a son like you....

Yibo's words triggered something inside Zhan. He violently grasp Yibo's hand and yanked.
Zhan was angry enough to kill Yibo but something inside him stopped him and with a cunning smile he pushed Yibo hardly to the ground.

Who are you to say something about me and my parents? Who don't even know about his own father and living with Someone...without any relation and calling him father...

Yibo was stunned because except his family No one know about this.
His family is his strength as well as weakness.


What about your background?
Oh Bo-Bo this is just a lil thing. I'm Xiao Zhan I can tell about your likings and alsooo your interest in bo---

Shut up just shut up.
Gathering his all courage Yibo stood up and said..

Why are you doing this? You you have a problem with me...
Ok then just come to me..stop meddling with my family....

Oh Bo-Bo! I'm loving it...you know you started all this but I'll end this...

Then what you want..., what?

Remember ! You slapped me two times now you have to pay for that two hundred times 😈
You don't know about your real father and what if you lose your so called father just because of your non existing goodness and rightful personality.

Yibo was loosing his control he was angry 😠 😡

Everyone was shocked 😲 but now Yubin was enjoying the slaps on Zhan's face. In his mind he was admiring the courage of Yibo. Of course Yibo was the first one who slapped the great Xiao Zhan 😄

Zhan bite his inner cheek. Yibo's slaps were no jokes.

You are counting the slaps ok here you go add one more because I don't care what you think. It's my fault that I came here to solve all this. You are a heartless monster actually worst. You don't know the value of family and loved ones.

Ok then go and think from where you'll arrange fee for your so called father's treatment.

Yibo didn't listen Zhan and stormed out from there. His mom and sister was worried about treatment fee...they collected their savings but that was not enough for so Yibo went to his father's friend for help.

Yibo dear I really want to help you in this crucial situation but I'm sorry 😞

It's okay uncle Xu. I'll manage.

Yibo went to hospital. He was tensed. Hesitantly he entered inside ward where his father was talking with his mom. A light smile crept on his lips. His family was everything to him. But now he was not able to kept his family's happiness. In his mind there was only one question how to arrange fee for his father's treatment.

Doctor came with a nurse in ward .

Hello! Mr. Lu how are you feeling now?

Much better Doctor but I wanna go home as soon as possible...

Yeah yeah I know no one likes here 🙄

Aa Mr. Yibo please come with me I need to talk with you...

Yibo was anxious 😟
*In doctor's cabin*

Mr. Yibo about your father's treatment...a non profit organization is helping all over china to heart patients in their treatment...so if you want then you have to fill some forms and information.

Thank you Doctor thank you so much...

Ok then proceed with paperwork...and I'll prepare for operation..

Ok Doctor...Once again thank you so much...

Yibo can't wait to tell this good news to his mom and jie.
Next day Yibo completed the paperwork and Mr Lu was in OT.
Outside OT there was Yibo all alone because Yanli has to go in an audition that was important so Yibo forcefully send her there and his mother was also not feeling so good so he make her stay at home.
He was worried, anxiously he was biting his nail.

A call on his mobile divert his attention.




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