Tina Fan fiction :)

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It was a glistening Saturday on Ocean avenue. Tina woke up from her dream of kissing zombies, it was an amazing dream mostly because Jimmy Jr. was featured in it. She was woken up by loud crashes coming from the loft above them... were people moving in? Tina completed her daily weekend routine, once she was ready she went to her secret window in the attic, grabbed her binoculars and began creeping on Jimmy Jr. he had just woken up. Tina gets up 30 minutes early just so she watch her soul mate awake. She stayed watching him until Linda walked in.

"Tina what on earth are you doing in the attic AGAIN?"

"Watching Jimmy Jr. wake up you wouldn't understand."

"Tina your shift starts in 5 so you had better be down there flipping burgers."


Tina walked in to the restaurant and the first thing she saw was a giant U-Haul parked right outside the door. She put on her hair net and asked Bob why there was a moving truck outside.

"New neighbors Tina."

"New Neighbors? Do they have a son? A sexy son?"

"I dont know, take a break from the burgers and go advertise..."


"Sure why not."

Tina walked back upstairs into her room and planned for the best, she spritzed herself with her favorite perfume and grabbed her newest journal and wrote in sharpie marker "Friend fiction in the hood." After that she grabbed her burger coupons and headed to the new neighbors loft.

The loft was empty of people but full of sports equipment, cheer leading pom poms, and a bunch of things the color pink. A girl her age walked in with a Wagstaff tee shirt on. (Thats the school Tina goes to.)

"Hey my names Steph can I help you?"

"My names Tina I live below you... I go to Wagstaff too, here have a coupon."

"Thanks, Im kinda busy sooooo."

Right at this moment Jimmy Jr. walked in carrying a pink box that said "Stephs Stuff"

Tina face light up with awe at the sight of Jimmy Jr. but she was curious why he was helping Steph. In Tinas book Steph was officially a skank.

"Hey Jimmy Jr. what are you doing here?" Asked Tina.

"Hes helping me." Answered Steph.

Tina ran out of there loft crying and blushing. When she made it back to her room she let her mind wander and decided she would be spending the next few day watching Jimmy Jr. (as usual) but she would also be watching Steph and how she acts around Jimmy Jr.

The Next day, Sunday she did her normal routine, but when she went up to the attic to stalk Jimmy there was something different... JIMMY WASN'T THERE!

Tina had expected this. There was only one place Jimmy could be Stephs loft. Tina raced up to her loft and banged on the door. I prissy lady dressed in a blue sweater vest, khakis, and pearls answered the door.

"Why are you at my door at 7:30 AM!"

"Sorry Tina I live below you, is Steph here?"

"Oh sorry Tina, yea she is, are you a friend of hers?"


Unlike yesterday the house was beautifully decorated with family photos and expensive furniture everywhere.

"Her room is down the hall and to the right."


Tina walked down the hall and to the right only to see a hot pink gittery door with a sign that read, "STEPHS ROOM!"

Tina assumed this was it.

Tina walked in with out knocking and boy was she glad she did! Steph and Jimmy were laying on Stephs bed watching a movie together!

Steph screamed and jumped up at this same moment Tina began yelling "YOU STEAL MY MAN I END YOUR WORLD!" Tina slowly walked out of the room with a piercing look in her eye. Scared half to death Steph got up, closed the door and laid back with Jimmy.

Once Tina was home she started planning her way to END Steph, but whats a master plan with out the help of Louise, so she went to Lousies room and asked her for help. Of course Louise was on board with anything PURE EVIL.

Wait for tomorrows entry to find out what happens next! Hope you enjoyed!

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