La Jolla

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You know it takes a lot to move me

So if you figure it out, tell me

I'll trace figures on your smile lines

Work out formulae to cure me

La Jolla is just an entire song of guilt and pain for what he has done. It took a lot to move him, but she did and it killed her. He probably thinks about her face constantly, thinking of her smile. He doesnt want to feel guilt anymore.

And I'm lonely

There I said it

Nine million people

I always seem to add them up

He is lonely now that she is gone. The nine million people refers to the population of London. There are so many people but to him its nothing without her.

I could go away

I could pack my things and be gone before you wake

You know I've tried hard to love me too

It always seems to fall in, through

He packed his things and ran when she never woke. He has never felt the same about himself since he killed her.

Maybe one day I'll live in La Jolla

Drinking cocktails out over the water

My own personal sunset

To give each day its own diploma

He wants to move to California, a whole different continent, he wants to move away and leave his guilt behind. He wants to enjoy the sunset without thinking of the one happening when he killed her, to be able to enjoy drinks and looking over the water without remembering the anger and pushing her into it.

And you know it's funny

Amid my backseat taxi jaunts

I'm trying to ignore the skyline

So I don't figure out where you-

He takes taxi rides to keep his mind off of her, but it still goes back to her. Possibly wondering wear her body drifted off to in the water.

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