Chapter 1

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*Gina's prov*
*flashback to when I am 4*
I always remembered going to this boys house and playing with him while are moms talked. We had the best times! I remember one time we took his little car and we rode it down this ramp in his backyard. But I chickened out and jumped off and its a good thing I did because he crashed into the wooden fence😂🙏🏼 I miss him a lot! If I remember correctly I think his name was Daniel. I don't know though because I lost contact with him when we moved to Vegas because my mom didn't like the humidity.
*end of flashback*
Today is my school talent show and then tomorrow is digi tour. This week is going to be busy! Recently me and Daniel got back in touch over Instagram and he totally remembers me surprisingly! Sense the boys are coming in tonight I invited him to come to my talent show. He said he would try to make it in time and I started FREAKING OUT!! Like 3 of my friends are HUGE fans though so he might have to be careful. It was time for me to go perform my dance number with like 16 other girls and I'm not that worried because if I mess up I blend in😂but my boyfriend Anthony is going to be here so I'm still gonna try my best.
*Daniel's prov*
When Gina sent me that dm I new exactly who she was. We use to have the best times and I missed her so much! She was like my twin sister. We even looked alike! (We actually did look alike when we were younger it's creepy😂) When she invited me to go see her show I new I had to make it some how. My only concern was if there was any crazy fans that would like attack me or something.
*Gina's prov*
*On stage*
I peaked out the curtain to see if Daniel was there and I didn't see him. I was kinda upset because there is this one part in the dance where we go out in the audience and pull people on stage to dance with us. I was gonna pull Daniel up on stage so we could have fun like the old days. I didn't let my disappointment dull my spirit though. I went out on stage with a smile. Until I tripped over my skirt and I stubbed my toe. Then I just started bursting out laughing. After my dance was over I went backstage to get ready for my singing solo.
*Daniel's prov*
I got to the show about 10 minutes late but when I looked at the lineup it showed that Gina didn't go yet. I peaked my head through the door right as she happened to be going on stage. She was so graceful and beautiful. Until she tripped on her skirt and started laughing. I love her laugh. I miss her laugh. She is still the same clumsy, funny, happy girl she left Florida like. I can't believe I'm about to reunite with her. As I kept reading the lineup I saw she was performing again in about 8 numbers. I took my seat and texted her that I was here. Most of the performances were good actually. Then she was up again and I was so excited to see her. Then I saw her come on stage but at first she wasn't singing. She was talking. About ME! And then I got called up on stage. So I stumbled my way up on stage. Confused.
TO BE CONTINUED.....................

Authors note: this is my first chapter so let me know what y'all think and yes I do know it's short

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