Jenny Nicholson and the Vampire Goldfish Ritual

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Jenny was just in her room, minding her own business when she heard a knock at the door. Her new neighbor had warned her that she would be coming by so it didn't surprise her too much but she still answered the door anyway.
When she opened the door there stood this really pretty girl. She wore tight jeans and a white tank top with no bra underneath. Her hair was long and wavy and her eyes were a deep blue color. Jenny couldn't help herself; she stared right into them as she smiled at her.
"Hi," she said. "My name is Sarah."
"Hello Sarah, I'm Jenny" she replied. "Is your mother here?"
Sarah laughed. "Yes, she's chopping up my dad's body in the bathtub. Wanna come watch?"
Jenny looked around for some sort of weapon before realizing that she had none. "No thanks."
She started to walk away but then stopped and turned around to face Jenny again. "Please come check it out?"
"If you promise to stop calling me names like 'dork' or 'geek'."
She smiled. "OK, I'll only call you those things if you don't come over now."
She decided not to argue and followed her to her house. It was a nice place made of wood and stone. There wasn't any grass in front of it. Instead there was a path leading from the road to the back door. As they got closer to the door a smell hit Jenny's nose that reminded her of the ocean. She could hear running water and felt the cool breeze blowing through the trees behind them.
They walked through the door which was open and immediately stepped into a large bathroom.
The tub was filled with blood and guts and was surrounded by more bodies. Standing next to the tub were three women. They were all wearing black lingerie and had their faces covered by masks. One of the women dropped the body she was holding onto the floor and threw herself on the body that lay next to the tub. She began sucking its neck. The other two joined her and soon they were engaged in a passionate kiss. All three of them began moaning and making loud slurping sounds as they sucked on the dead man's neck.
Sarah took off Jenny's shoes and led her towards the tub where she left her standing while she went to get something. When she returned she carried a pair of scissors and an old wooden box. She set the box down in front of Jenny and put the scissors on the table next to it.
Then Sarah walked over to the tub, dipped her hands into the blood-filled water, brought one hand close to her lips and licked it clean. She did this several times until she had gotten all the blood she wanted.
Then she picked up the box and opened it. Inside it was a goldfish. Sarah pulled out the fish and held it up between her fingers. She squeezed it gently then set it down on the table. It continued flopping about.
When Jenny saw that she wondered what Sarah was going to do next. Would she cut the head off? Or maybe she was going to kill it with fire and eat it raw.
She took the scissors and passed them to me. "Kill the fish or you shall die in it's place. "Sarah said.
"Okay." Jenny replied.
Jenny took the fish and stabbed it several times. Then Sarah grabbed the fish, ripped it apart and dumped the parts in the bathtub. When she was finished she picked up the knife, opened another box and took out a bunch of bones. She placed the bones inside the bathtub as well. Then she lifted both boxes off the table and sat them next to each other on the floor.
After that she went back to the tub and began picking pieces of flesh from the dead men's bodies. She collected enough to fill a bowl and carried it to the kitchen. While she was gone Jenny looked over the room. It was decorated with a lot of stuff. Some of it looked expensive while some of it looked cheap.
When Sarah came back into the room she carried a tray with four bowls on it.
"Sit down," Sarah told her. "You can eat whatever you want but there are rules. You have to eat everything on the plate. If you don't finish it you will die. There's also a time limit. If you take too long to eat it you will die."
Jenny looked at the plates. The meat looked good and smelled even better. She also noticed that the bowls with bones had been placed on top of the tray. Jenny assumed that meant she should eat the meat and throw the bones away.
"Eat," Sarah ordered.
Jenny picked up a piece of steak and bit into it. It tasted great and she quickly ate the rest of it.
"That's not beef, you're eating my father who we killed." she said.
Jenny nodded and continued to eat.
Sarah reached over and touched the side of Jenny's face. She tried to pull away but Sarah grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug. Jenny kept trying to push Sarah away but she wouldn't let go.
"Don't try to run away from me," she said. "I'll just follow you and catch you again. Just relax and enjoy it. Now shut up and keep eating."
So she did.
It took Jenny a few minutes to realize that she was dreaming. When she finally realized it she shook her head to clear it. She felt warm and wet.
"What happened?" She asked.
She was lying on her stomach. Her arms and legs had been tied together.
There was a girl sitting across from her. She had brown hair and eyes. She was dressed in a dirty white dress and had a choker around her neck. She looked like she hadn't showered in weeks.
"Are you awake?" she asked.
Jenny shook her head to clear it again and then nodded. "Yeah."
"Good," she said. "Now why don't you untie yourself."
Jenny used her hands to undo the knots and then she moved free from them completely. After she was done she rolled over and sat up.
The girl jumped up and ran to the window. She pushed the curtain aside and looked outside. Jenny did the same thing but couldn't see anything.
"Why are you looking out the window?" Jenny asked.
"Because I can't stand being in this room with you," she replied. "I'm sick of you always talking about how much you hate me. So I thought that if I took a look outside maybe I'd feel better."
Jenny didn't know what to say so she just stayed silent. She didn't even bother asking her why she was there. Jenny figured that she must've known her neighbor because otherwise she would've never guessed that Jenny was home alone.
"Do you like my dress?" the girl asked suddenly.
"I think it's weird."
"That's because you're dumb. Don't worry though; I'm not wearing it for you. It's just a prop."
Jenny just shrugged and sat back down.
"Where are your parents?" Jenny asked after a moment of silence.
"They're at work."
"Oh, OK."
They both sat in silence for a little while. Jenny listened to the sound of the wind rustling the leaves outside the window. The girl started humming to herself and it sounded like she was singing.
Jenny couldn't make out the words but the tune was familiar.
"What song is that?" Jenny asked.
"It doesn't matter," she replied. "Just listen to it."
Jenny did as she told her and soon she recognized the tune. It was "The World is Yours" by Drowning Pool. For some reason it made her smile. The girl didn't seem to notice though. She just stood there staring out the window.
After a minute or two the wind died down and the girl stopped humming.
"What are you doing?" Jenny asked.
"Waiting for you to finish tying yourself up."
Jenny frowned. "You could've just helped me instead of wasting time."
"Why would I help you when you killed my goldfish?!" She yelled. "He was the love of my life and it's your fault he's dead!"
"I didn't mean to kill him," Jenny said. "It just kind of...happened."
She scoffed and shook her head. "You're such a loser! I wish I never met you! You're a horrible person! You're boring and stupid and..."
"Stop it!" Jenny yelled. "Leave me alone!"
"Fine!" she screamed. "But I hope you die! You're the worst person ever!"
Jenny rolled her eyes and got up. She burst though the door and speed walked home, never giving what happened another thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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