Chapter 1: Black Viking

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March 13th 2022
Prague Czech Republic
Operation Black Viking

Alex sighed as he leaned back against a tree after checking that all of his gear was in order once more. After all, a long waiting time was no excuse to get sloppy and allow his gear to jam in the middle of a firefight.

"Hey, Alex." his squad mate, Diego Alvarez, spoke up to his left.
"Wanna hear a Mexican joke?"

Alex raised an eyebrow, but eventually nodded in confirmation.

"How do you stop a Mexican tank?" Diego asked.


"Shoot the guy pushing it."

Alex chuckled slightly.

"You're horrible, Alvarez."

"Thank you. I try my best."

Suddenly, Alex's radio crackled to life.

"Alpha team, this is Hades. How copy?"

Alex pulled his radio closer to himself.

"Hades, this is Raider 0-1. Copy loud and clear."

"Alpha team, we've received confirmation that the weapons are on site. You are green to move in. Try to keep things quiet. We don't need any more eyes on this."

"Roger that, Hades." Alex replied before turning to Diego.
"Mask up."

Diego nodded before pulling up a mask with a skull design, covering his face up to his nose. Alex proceeded to do the same with his own mask.
The two of them moved up towards their objective, a small two floor country house.They walked up to the chain link fence that outlined the area, being careful to stay out of the lights. Alex then took out a set of bolt cutters and cut out a hole in the fence.

"Alvarez, take point." he instructed.

Diego nodded, taking the lead as they entered through the opening, his partner following right after. As they approached, Alex made a quick sweep of the area with his eyes, looking for a possible entry point.

"Side door on the right." he pointed out.

The two of them positioned themselves on either side. Diego took out a crowbar from his pack and jammed it into the door's opening. With a nod of confirmation from Alex, the door was pried open, the two operators slipping inside. As Alex expected, there were no guards posted on the side door.

"Amateurs." he scoffed.
"Sweep the second floor. We'll regroup after and take the basement together. Be careful and watch your six."

"Roger. Don't worry about me, Renard."

Diego then moved up to the upper floor while Alex began his sweep. The first room seemed to be a living room. Alex counted three men at a table playing cards and two others posted by the windows.

'Shock and awe then.'

Alex pulled out a flashbang and rolled it into the room through a crack in the door. He waited a few seconds for it to go off before bursting into the room. He focused on the guards by the windows first, killing them with two quick pulls of his assault rifle's trigger. The remaining three were finished off right after, getting no time to grab their weapons.
A noise on the other side of the room let Alex know that he hasn't gone completely unnoticed. Nothing unexpected.

Alex quickly moved up to the room's second entrance, positioning himself against the wall. He held his breath as the door opened and two more guards walked in. He heard them gasp as they looked at their colleagues' dead bodies. Alex forced himself to wait until they were both inside before pulling the trigger. He then moved on to the hallway, making sure to take out the guard stationed at the front door. Afterwards he moved on to the remaining rooms. The process was slow but methodical, leaving no potential hiding place unchecked, occasionally stopping when he heard something upstairs. Fortunately, he ended up finding no one.

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