The Battle of Good vs Evil

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Above Earth and below Heaven is Wisdoma's world of Cherubini called cherubs, and this story is about;  'Heaven's soldiers fighting for your Soul'

    Spikehead the Supreme Teacher of all cherubs, just finished his class on "Morality." After class, Spikehead gathered his cherubs to tell them he was sending them to Earth's congress for this lesson.

     As cherubs Goober, Boo-Hoo, BoozyWoozy, and Swagger start to get ready for their journey, SallyWally, looking at them, says, "I'm heading to the kitchen to make you some heavenly treats for when you return.  Of course, upon hearing this Goober, started to drool just thinking of SallyWally's great desserts. So, with delicious desserts waiting for them, they headed to Earth.

    Arriving at the congressional building, they saw satan's  devilets had beat them there, sitting on the Senators left shoulders,  filling their minds with evil ways. 

    In the room, the cherubs realized, besides being outnumbered, the devilets were dressed in battle armor.

    Cherubs watched as the devilet of greed spoke to the Senators, " We took care of you with Federal Employees Health Benefits (Fehbp) you pay little for a great plan, even when you leave office it's yours to keep, most Americans can't have what you have. 

    Then they heard the devilet of evil desire. How about your pay? What company lets their employees give themselves a raise?  But you can! Even if your constituents don't like it!  Oh, how about all the perks, you know, almost half the year off , paid dinners, travel expenses, lifetime health insurance even upon retiring, lifelong pension of (80%) eighty percent, airport perks, taxpayers even paid some settlement sexual harassment cases.

    Upon hearing this, Boo-Hoo says, "No wonder most don't want to retire. They have American's dream job on the taxpayer' dime."

    Swagger realized they were outnumbered and not dressed in their battle armor. When they saw devilet evil desire smirking at them, Swagger saw fear in his fellow cherubs eyes. The devilet were filling the room with the wrong message. 

    Scared, Swagger says, we need to head home to report to Head Mistress Wisdoma. 

    The trip home seemed to take forever. Once home, they looked for her in all her favorite spots and finally found her watching the younger cherubs playing ball. When they approached Wisdoma , all four started speaking at once. 

    Wisdoma held up her hand to quiet them. Then, Swagger  told her what the problem was. After hearing what he had to say, Wisdoma calls for BoozyWoozy to blow his special trumpet to gather the Super-Pack.

    Hearing the trumpets battle cry, Goober, Boo-Hoo and Swagger, ran to put on their battle armor, returning to Head Mistress in full armor. Hearing the sound of thunder, Boo-Hoo looked up in awe and saw huge Archangel's dressed for battle, riding massive stallions in full armor. They gathered to join the cherubs. Goober recognized Archangel Michael and Gabriel. Behind them were Raphael and Uriel. The sight was so impressive Goober's knees started to buckle  while BoozyWoozy and Swagger's mouth dropped open at the magnificent view. 

    Wisdoma, standing in front of her army, says,  "I want to remind you that your strength  comes from the Lords's mighty power within you. Therefore put on all of God's mighty armor so you can stand safe against all strategies  and tricks of Satan."

    Approaching BoozyWoozy, Wisdoma could see he wasn't ready for the  battle zone.  But, she says, BoozyWoozy, you must wear a helmet over your dreadlocks to protect your head and full body armor to protect the body.  

    Goober ran to help BoozyWoozy put his armor on. Then everyone lined up for battle. 

    Cherubs began lining up behind BoozyWoozy, playing  Good vs Evil, followed by the Archangel's on armored stallions.

Wisdoma stood looking at her army with pride as they headed to  Earth. The war drums vibrated the sky. 

    Upon arriving in all there glory, they found hundreds of devilets in the halls and on the Senate floor busy at work, whispering in the ears of the congressional leaders. Then, at the sound of thunder, the devilets looked up to see a super-pack of Archangels and cherubs approaching with swords drawn. With their tails wagging and spittle flowing from their mouths, the devilets  drew their fire-swords to prepare for battle. 

    Archangel Gabriel and Demon Belphegor met in the vaulted ceiling, both drew their swords, and a vicious fight began. When Goober, Boo-Hoo and Swagger heard the sound of  swishing blades, they started bouncing all over the room, trying to stay out of the line of fire. Jumping off Gabriel's horse, Goober confronted the fight between Archangel Michael and demon Alartar. The battle was scary; the cherubs could see Michael fighting with all his might when he almost fell. Goober, and Boo-Hoo was there to help straighten him up. BoozyWoozy and Swagger stayed next to Raphael and Uriel and did all they could to help them fight against the demons of greed and evil desire. 

    Sparks, we're flying from the vicious battle of the swords. The room was a battleground of good against evil. The sound of swishing swords clanging  against each other scared the cherubs.

    The fight with the devilets and cherubs was more of a push and shove, bruises, cuts and black eyes were on both sides. Iggki-Slime, punched Goober, giving him a black eye. Swagger was being slapped by Dirty-Potty, whose smell was making Swagger nauseous. Boo-Hoo's wailing brought the beastly twins upon him. Boo-Hoo ran, bouncing all over the room with them close behind. 

    The battle was fierce, with both sides taking battle scars.

    When the battle drew to a close, the devilets fell back into the pits of hell. And the Archangels gathered the cherubs to give them a ride home.

    When they arrived home,  Wisdoma meets them at the gates to welcome them back.

        Seeing the battle scars on her cherubs and Archangels, she knew it was a fierce battle.  Boo-Hoo, Goober and Swagger was so excited they're bouncing like a ball with their hands flying in all directions, describing the fight to Wisdoma.

   Wisdoma gathers everyone to let them know how proud she is of them. I pray you arrived in time and that the politicians didn't absorb too much garbage from our enemies. Time will tell.  Now for a sweet treat. SallyWally has cooked up a feast for everyone. Go and enjoy.

    Goober stumbled over his own feet, rushing to the dessert table. Seeing the joy on his face, everyone smiled when they saw his chocolate covered mouth.

                                          The End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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